
  1. 涉外企业文化建设的理论探讨

    Theoretical research for culture construction of enterprise of concerning foreign affairs

  2. 涉外企业文化是涉外企业在经营管理活动中,针对涉外这一特定内容所形成的经营目标、行为规范、行风行貌、企业精神及员工共同思想理念的总和。

    Culture of enterprises concerning foreign affairs is a total concept which includes enterprises ' standards , the form of operation , the spirit of enterprises and workers ' ideology .

  3. 从跨文化视角刍议涉外导游的文化素质

    The Discussion on the Cultural Quality of a Guide-interpreter from the Intercultural Perspective

  4. 涉外导游即文化传播者

    Guide-interpreters as Culture Disseminators

  5. 涉外商务谈判与文化ABC

    Business Negotiation with Foreigners and Cultural ABC

  6. 涉外护生跨文化护理能力培养的思考

    Thought on How to Develop English Nurses ' Cross-cultural Nursing Competence

  7. 如何提高涉外导游的跨文化交际能力。

    How to improve the intercultural communication skill for a international tour guide .

  8. 涉外广告文案的文化差异分析

    Analysis on Cultural Differences of Advertisement Documents