
  1. 大学生消费误区的法律道德思考及其对策消费主义文化对学校道德教育的影响及其应对

    Long-standing Mistaken Ideas of College Students as Consumers ; Influences of the Consumption Culture on School Moral Education and Its Corresponding Strategies

  2. 家用厨房的消费与设计误区

    The Mistake about Consumption and Design in the Household-use Kitchen

  3. 通过问卷调查和测试统计发现:大学生在饮食消费方面存在较大误区。

    Adopted means of questionnaires and test statistics , this study found that college students had a misunderstanding on the consumption and dietary habits .

  4. 现代消费价值观的误区引发一系列的主体效应,人对自我的认识经历了不知有自我、不能有自我和不愿有自我的嬗变。

    The misconceptions of the modern consumption value caused a series of subjectivity effects , which give rise to the people who do not realize themselves or cannot hold themselves even are unwilling to have themselves .

  5. 存在着盲目无计划消费、从众消费、人情消费、攀比消费等误区。

    There are blind consumption , follower consumption , human-relationship consumption , unrealistic consumption , etc.

  6. 第三章根据调查问卷的结果,对娄底城镇居民休闲消费现状进行了分析,并剖析了居民休闲消费的误区与问题。

    The third chapter analyzes the status of leisure consumption of Loudi urban residents and the leisure consumption problems of urban residents based on the questionnaire results .

  7. 首先,文章阐述了绿色消费的内涵、特征,考察了它的由来和发展,并对当前绿色消费误区进行了分析,提出要全面、正确认识绿色消费。

    First of all , this article expatiates the connotation , feature , and its origin and development , furthermore , analyzes the misunderstanding of the green consumption , and bring up a comprehensive , correct consumption .

  8. 关于其消费现状,许多学者都做了调查与分析,得出的结论也大多是大学生出现了许多消费误区。

    On their consumption of the status quo , and many scholars have done a survey and analysis , concluded that there were mostly college students , many consumer misunderstanding .

  9. 中学生作为特殊的消费群体,在消费方式上呈现出多元化、时尚化、高档化特点以及攀比、模仿、盲目、唯我的消费倾向及误区。

    Middle-school student is the special consumption group , who presents the tendency and the erroneous zone such as the diversification 、 fashion 、 top grade as well as the comparison 、 imitation 、 blindness 、 solipsism on the way of consumption .