
  1. 外周血WBC数较高,但浸润现象不明显;

    Peripheral blood WBC count was higher , but infiltrative signs were unremarkable .

  2. 本工作讨论液体与固体接触时出现的各种浸润现象。

    The work discusses various wetting phenomena occurred in liquid-solid contacts .

  3. 在复旧期间,常见子宫结缔组织内淋巴细胞浸润现象。

    Infiltration of lymphocytes was common during the periods of uterine involution .

  4. 讨论传感器探头与被测液之间产生浸润现象的解决。

    Resolve of infiltration phenomenon between sensor probe and measured liquid is discussed .

  5. 格子波尔兹曼方法研究固气复合表面的液滴浸润现象

    Simulation of wetting of a droplet on solid-gas composite substrates using lattice Boltzmann method

  6. 跟据我们的实验结果,所发表的电脑辅助诊断系统可量化浸润现象。

    According to our experiments , the proposed CAD system can extract the infiltration in the lung field of CXR images .

  7. 浸润现象是普遍存在的,它的形式化定义(称之为浸润理论)是对这一现象本质内涵的抽象,它反应了一种由某些相关关系联系起来的网络结点间的数据驱动动态模式。

    This paper establishes a theory of soaking , which is abstracted and formalized from the universal phenomenon of natural soaking .

  8. 住院后电脑断层显示在右中肺叶有局部浸润现象。

    Chest computerized tomography obtained after admission demonstrated focal density in the right-middle lobe and presence of nodulointerstitial infiltrate in both lungs .

  9. 应用形态学方法观察缺血侧脑组织炎症反应,重点观察缺血半暗带炎性细胞的粘附及浸润现象;

    Use morphologic method to observe the inflammatory reaction in ischemic brain tissue , especially the phenomena of adhesiveness and infiltration of the inflammatory cells .

  10. 采用分子动力学方法研究了氩纳米液滴在铂金属及其模型固体表面的浸润现象,获得了液滴在平滑表面和三角纳米结构阵列表面的接触角和展布特性。

    The molecular dynamics simulation method was applied to investigate the wettability of argon nano-droplets on platinum and other model solids . The contact angle and spreading characteristics of flat and triangle-array nano-structure surfaces were obtained .

  11. 光镜、电镜下观察治疗组与模型组相比纤毛粘连倒伏、上皮细胞变性坏死以及炎细胞浸润等现象表现均明显减轻,肺大泡数量减少。

    Compared with model groups , the treatment groups showed the cilium adhesion and lodging , the degeneration and necrosis of epithelial cell , as well as the inflammatory cell infiltration by light and electron microscopy .

  12. 结果如下:(1)在OA注射中心区神经元早期出现胞体固缩、肿胀、核移位,在注射3d时细胞破碎,发生坏死,并有大量炎性细胞浸润等病理现象;

    The results showed that ( 1 ) the neurons in the center of the injection region displayed cytoplasmic shrinkage , swelling , nuclear pyknosis , and dislocation at the early stage , and necrosis appeared 3 d after the injection .

  13. 浅谈浸润剂迁移现象对短切毡的影响

    Effects of size migration on chopped strand mats

  14. 浸润及毛细现象的能量来源

    Wetting and the Energy Sources of Capillarity

  15. 新近研究表明,高血压心肌纤维化伴随有冠状动脉周围和心肌间质的单核细胞的浸润。这种现象提示炎症反应可能也是高血压心肌纤维化的原因之一。

    Recent study suggested that hypertensive cardiac fibrosis is associated with monocytes infiltration around the coronary artery and in the myocardial interstitial .

  16. 浸润与不浸润现象探析

    On the Infiltration and Non - infiltration Phenomenon

  17. 有的腺体局部细胞向间质浸润,该处基底细胞完全消失,称之微浸润现象。

    The basal cells of this area disappear , which called micro-infiltration .

  18. 本文从浸润剂原材料的选择、拉丝工艺和烘干工艺三方面分析了浸润剂迁移现象产生的原因及其对短切毡的影响。

    In this paper , the causes of size migration and its effects on chopped strand mats are analyzed from aspects of raw material selection , fiber drawing process and fiber drying process .