
  1. 据新华社报道,海南省高级人民法院驳回了这一请求,从那时开始,陈满开始了自己长达16年的无罪上诉。

    The request was rejected by Hainan High People 's Court in 1999 , beginning Chen 's 16-year appeal ordeal , the Xinhua News Agency reported .

  2. 据海南省高级人民法院在其官方微博上表示,在这笔总共275万的赔偿金中,包括185万人身自由赔偿金,以及90万的精神创伤补偿。

    The 2.75 million yuan compensation contains more than 1.85 million yuan for loss of personal freedom and 900000 yuan for psychological trauma , the High People 's Court of Hainan Province said on its official Weibo account .

  3. 据海南省高级人民法院透露,一名男子曾因杀人纵火罪而含冤入狱23年,上周五法院判定,将由国家对其支付不少于275万人民币(约合42万1850美元)的赔偿金。

    A man wrongfully jailed for 23 years on murder and arson charges was granted more than 2.75 million yuan ( $ 421850 ) in compensation from the State on last Friday , according to the High People 's Court of Hainan Province .