
  • 网络Measurement unit;Measuring cell;IMU;PMU;MIMU
  1. 光纤陀螺惯性测量单元的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of IMU Based on FOGs

  2. GPS与无陀螺微惯性测量单元组合导航系统设计

    Design of Integrated Navigation System of GPS and Non-gyro Micro Inertial Measurement Unit

  3. 基于DSP的炮弹无陀螺惯性测量单元应用系统设计

    Application System Design for DSP Based Non-Gyros Inertial Measurement Unit Used in Shell

  4. 与此同时,进入90年代以来,基于全球定位系统(GPS)的相量测量单元(PMU)的研究已有许多进展并开始应用。

    In recent years , GPS-based Phasor Measurement Units ( PMU ) have been successfully developed and equipped in power system .

  5. 介绍了采用CPLD器件开发的导弹用惯性测量单元(IMU)模拟器的设计原理及其实现方法。

    The paper introduced the design principles and implementation method for missile inertial measurement unit simulator based on CPLD .

  6. 基于全球定位系统(GPS)的相量测量单元(PMU)的出现,使得在电力系统中应用广域电流差动保护成为可能。

    With development of the PMU based on the GPS , it is now possible to implement the wide area current differential protection .

  7. 机载激光雷达技术是一种以飞机为平台,集激光测距技术、动态GPS差分技术、动态高精度姿态测量单元于一体的主动对地观测技术。

    Airborne LiDAR is an active ground observation technology , based on aircraft , and also is a set of laser ranging techniques , dynamic GPS differential technology and dynamic high-precision attitude measurement .

  8. 提出了一种提高交直流系统性能的基于同步相量测量单元(phasormeasurementunit,PMU)的观测线性化最优直流附加控制器。

    To enhance dynamic stability of AC / DC power systems an observational linearization and optimal HVDC supplementary controller based on Phasor Measurement Unit ( PMU ) is proposed .

  9. 相量测量单元(PMU)相量数据有效性的关键在于时间同步。

    The key of the data validity of the phasor measurement unit ( PMU ) is the synchronization .

  10. 微惯性测量单元(MicroInertialMeasurementUnit)具有体积小、重量轻、成本低、可靠性高等特点,在军事及民用领域具有广阔的应用前景。

    Micro Inertial Measurement Unit ( MIMU ) has many advantages such as small volume , light weight , low cost , high reliability etc. It will be applied broadly in the field of military and civil .

  11. 每3个相互正交安装的加速度计组成一组测量单元,两个单元之间相距30m,并相对固定。

    Two sets of measuring unit consisting of 3 accelerators in 3 mutually perpendicular directions are placed 30 m apart .

  12. 船载卫星天线的姿态测量单元采用微机械(MEMS)惯性传感器和磁强计作为测量元件,具有体积小、重量轻和成本低等优点。

    Ship-borne satellite antenna adopts Micro Electro Mechanical Systems ( MEMS ) inertial sensors and magnetometer as its measuring elements , which has small volume , light weight and low cost .

  13. 近几年开始装备于电力系统的基于GPS的同步相量测量单元(PMU)能够测量节点的电压相量,而且具有相当高的精度。

    GPS based synchronous Phasor Measurement Units ( PMU ) which have been successfully developed and equipped in power systems in recent years can provide bus voltage phasor measurements .

  14. 在现代电力系统广域保护和稳定控制系统中,同步相量测量单元(PMU)起着重要作用。

    The synchronized phasor measurement units ( PMU ) is significant to the wide-area protection and stability control in modern power system .

  15. 提出了一种基于电压薄弱区域监视的非完全可观测的同步相量测量单元(PMU)配置方案。

    A practical phasor measurement unit ( PMU ) configuration scheme based on weak voltage area surveillance and incomplete observability is proposed .

  16. 提出一种新的基于相量测量单元(PMU)的输电线路故障测距的自适应算法。

    A new adaptive fault location algorithm based on phasor measurement unit ( PMU ) for transmission line is presented in this paper .

  17. 同步相量测量单元(PMU)可以直接量测节点电压相量和与该节点相连的支路电流相量。

    Phasor Measurement Unit ( PMU ) can provide node voltage phasor measurements , and branch current phasor measurements connected with the node .

  18. 基于GPS的同步相量测量单元(PMU)是一种新型的高精度测量装置,能够测量母线电压相量和支路电流相量。

    Phasor measurement unit ( PMU ) based on GPS is a new and precise measuring device , which can be used to measure bus voltage phasor and branch current phasor .

  19. 第三,设计了以微惯性测量单元(MIMU)和GPS为导航传感器的车载组合导航系统。

    The data synchronization in the system is studied . Thirdly , a land vehicle navigation system is designed based on Micro-Inertial Measurement Unit ( MIMU ) and GPS sensors .

  20. 在动态估计扩展Kalman滤波算法的基础上,结合搭接式分布并行算法,提出了一种基于相量测量单元(PMU)的分布式电力系统动态状态估计新算法。

    In the paper , based on the extended Kalman filtering techniques and pervious distributed algorithm , a new distributed power system dynamic state estimation algorithm based on PMU is presented .

  21. 一种时间测量单元(TMU)的仿真及研究

    Simulation and Studies On a method of Measurement of Time Parameter

  22. 利用微型惯性测量单元MIMU和GPS-OEM板,设计了一种低成本、轻小型的嵌入式GPS/MIMS组合导航系统。

    An embedded GPS / MIMS integrated navigation system is designed by using MIMU and GPS-OEM panel in this paper .

  23. 提出了以基于GPS(全球卫星定位系统)技术的PMU(相量测量单元)装置为基本组成元件构成新一代电力系统全网同步监测系统的设想。

    ? This paper suggested the way to establish the global synchronized monitoring system in power systems with phase measurement unit ( PMU ) based on the global positioning system ( GPS ) technology .

  24. 最后,通过搭建基于内嵌μC/OS-II操作系统的ARM控制器以及驱动器,整合惯性导航姿态测量单元反馈回的姿态参数,对球形机器人进行圆弧轨迹跟踪实验研究。

    Finally , embedded μ C / OS-II ARM controller and a driver , which can integrate the structure parameters feed backed by inertial navigation system , is built , and experiments on circular trajectory tracking of spherical robots are carried out .

  25. 该模拟器采用软硬件相结合的方式,可模拟某型真实惯性测量单元(IMU)的接口与输出信号。

    The simulator adopted the way of combining hardware with software , which could simulate the interface and output signals of a certain real inertial measurement unit .

  26. 该文介绍一种结构新颖的小型三维空中电场传感器,由轴向(Z)和径向(X,Y)三路电场测量单元和驱动单元以及电路单元组成,用于探测电场强度的三维方向矢量。

    A miniaturized electric field sensor used for measuring three dimensional electric field is introduced , which is composed of axial ( Z ) and radial ( X , Y ) electric field measuring units , driving unit and circuit unit .

  27. 基于其高精度的对时功能,同步相量测量单元(PMU)成功研发,实现了对电压和电流相量相角信息的量测。

    Based on its rigorous same time benchmark , Phasor Measurement Unit ( PMU ) was successfully manufactured . PMU can accurately measure voltage phasor and ampere phasor .

  28. 采用集成技术,将Ra测量单元、PPI测量单元等多个不同功能的单元集成在一起,实现多个参数的同时实时非接触测量。

    By using an integration technique , the R_a unit , PPI unit and other various units can be integrated . So the real-time and simultaneous non-contact measurement of multi-parameters can be realized .

  29. 该方法已被集成到相量测量单元(PMU)中,可以为广域电网同步状态监测系统提供完整的电网相量和发电机功角信息。

    The system has been imbedded into a phasor measurement unit ( PMU ), which enables the PMU to synchronously provide complete information of the wide area power systems .

  30. 基于S7-200PLC的调速器频率测量单元开发

    Development of frequency measurement unit based on S7-200 PLC for Hydraulic Turbine Governors