
This flow of electrons driven through a conductor is called an electric current .
The data streams which contain lots of concept drifting , noise and unbalance distribution are named as nonstationary streams .
Multi-traffic flow , also known as non-homogeneous traffic flow , refers to the traffic flow with a variety of traffic participants , including motorcycles , bicycles , pedestrians and motor vehicles sharing the same lane .
Streaming Media called Stream Media in the side while allowing surfers to watch , listen , without having to wait until after the completion of the entire multimedia documents can be downloaded for viewing .
Standardized handling of requests : We 've introduced a special mediation flow component called a service gateway .
This paper presents an end-to-end adaptation scheme , called the loss - delay based adaptation algorithm ( LDA ), for regulating the transmission behavior of multimedia senders in accordance with the network congestion state .
Streaming media technology is instant .
The bed is considered to be just fluidized and is referred to as an incipiently fluidized bed .
We have found that this dipole is directly related to the antisymmetric components of the spin current tensor .
Pressure restore well test data of low permeable oil fields cannot test the straight line segment of radial flow , being called earlier well test data .
In long distance water transfer system , the condition of steady flow is destroyed by the flow rate regulation and hydraulic accident , and then the unsteady flow occurs , which is called as hydraulic transient process .
The development of turbulent boundary layer along conduit flow may be considered as the basic criterion whether the uniform flow is formed or not .