首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 一看见摩托车总是发出欢乐的尖叫声,伴之以兴奋地评论:“看呐!看呐!有朝一日我也会有一两那样的摩托车。”他爸爸的回到总是“只要我还活着就不行。”

    The sight of one would always bring forth2 squeal3 of delight , accompanied by excited remarks of " look at that ! Look at that ! I 'm going to have one of those someday . " His dad 's response always was " Not as long as I 'm alive . "

  2. 只要活着就应不断学会如何生活。

    If we live world we should constantly learn how to live .

  3. 荣耀只是过眼云烟,我们曾经活着就够了。

    Glory is all well and good but , life is enough .

  4. 你以为人活着就一直是在寻开心?

    Do you think life is all about having fun ?

  5. 爱德华:贝拉,你只要活着就让我拥有了一切。

    Edward : Bella , you give me everything just by breathing .

  6. 活着就要做个对社会有益的人。

    One should be beneficial to the society when alive .

  7. 只要我还活着就别说大话。

    Not if anything to say about it I have .

  8. 他们活着就不是为了说实话的。

    They didn 't get through life being honest .

  9. 要是这些女人还活着就有机会知道。

    Chances are the women would still be alive .

  10. 拜托,你现在还活着就已经够运气了。

    Please , you are lucky to be breathing .

  11. 我们只要活着就要拼命干。

    We will work with might and main as long as we live .

  12. 感觉坏到觉得能活着就不错了。

    Bad enough to know I 'm still alive .

  13. 只要我老婆活着就不会

    Not while my wife is still alive .

  14. 在生活中寻找极度的喜悦,那种纯粹的感觉&活着就足够快乐了。

    Find ecstasy in life ; the mere sense of living is joy enough .

  15. 我能活着就已经很满足了。

    I am grateful to be just alive .

  16. 我们要想活着就不能在乎任何人

    Because if we want to survive , we need to not care about anyone .

  17. 只要我还活着就不会让你再过苦日子

    As long as I 'm alive you will never go back to that life .

  18. 以前我想只要活着就好,那是错的。

    I was wrong when I said staying alive is as good as it gets .

  19. 那他活着就没意义了。

    Then his life is meaningless .

  20. 人活着就得进行通信联络。

    Man must communicate to live .

  21. 人嘛,活着就要学会分享,学会包容,学会理解,学会做人。

    As human , living means sharing , tolerating , understanding and being well in personality .

  22. 他活着就为了作孽吗?

    Does he Iive for that ?

  23. 活着就要创造。

    To live is to create .

  24. 因此人活着就必须自信,不自信是人消费不起的奢侈品。

    Therefore , man should be confident , or it will be the extravagance for mankind .

  25. 但是活着就必须要冒险,因为人生最大的悲剧是什么都没有尝试过的平淡无奇!

    But risk must be taken , because the greatest hazard in life is risk nothing !

  26. 如果我是你,汤米,庆幸自己还活着就行了。

    If I were you , Tommy , I 'd just be glad you 're alive .

  27. 我活着就为了奉献。

    I live to give .

  28. 我们活着就只是为了工作,工作为了赚钱,赚钱为了消费吗?

    Are we just living to work , and working to earn , and earning to consume ?

  29. 生活属于生者,活着就必须时刻准备迎接变化和挑战。

    Life belongs to the living , and the who lives must be prepared for changes and challenge .

  30. 你看,他会不会打我或者或者啊,要是查理还活着就好了。

    Do you suppose he would strike me or or oh , dear , if Charlie were only alive !