- 网络Ocean Island Basalt;oib

The analysis of the geochemical and petrologic characteristics features shows that the assemblage of volcanic rocks is the series of middle ocean ridge basalt , ocean island basalt and ocean island andesite basalt , which implies that it is the relic of the ocean crust , i.e. typical ophiolites .
These continental basalts are generally characterized by OIB-like trace element distribution patterns and depleted Sr-Nd isotope compositions .
PREMA ( FOZO ) is a popular end member of mantle for all ocean island and flood basalts , probably representing the lower mantle .
Its contents are similar to those of EM ⅰ OIB from the Gough islands , and show ocean island alkaline basalt characteristics including the discriminant diagrams of tectonic settings for volcanics , which implies that the Hercynian volcanics were formed in tectonic environment of ocean island .
The basalt in the north zone belongs to the alkaline basalt series , enriched in Rb , Th , Ta and Nb , showing that its characteristics are consistent with those of oceanic island basalt .
Based on more geochemical signatures , two types of basalt are recognized , namely , ocean island basalt ( OIB ) and mid ocean ridge basalt ( MORB ) .
In the light of tectonic discrimination diagrams , the andesite is characterized by alkaline basalt of ocean-island setting .
In addition , the N-MORB-normalized spider diagram and the Chondrite-normalized REE pattern show that the two kinds of rocks were generated from the same parental magmatic source .
The REE partition pattern of basic lava not only consists of flat curve of mid oceanic ridges basalt but also includes the characteristic of Hawaii oceanic island basalt with LREE abundant type , which reflects this ophiolitic belt mixed ocean crust wrecked with oceanic island fragment .