
  • 网络thai prime minister
  1. 泰国总理英拉•西那瓦(YingluckShinawatra)在新闻发布会上表示,泰国遭遇洪水灾难一事表明各国联合规划抗灾的准备工作具有重要意义。

    Also at the briefing , Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said the inundation of her country demonstrates the importance of nations engaging in joint disaster preparedness planning .

  2. 峰会主席、泰国总理阿披实维乍集瓦(abhisitvejjajiva)表示,成员国愿意就这两项提议展开进一步讨论,以此形成“一个使这些概念具体化的持续进程”。

    Abhisit Vejjajiva , the Thai Prime Minister and summit chairman , said the member countries were open to further discussions on both proposals as part of " an ongoing process to flesh out these concepts " .

  3. 他说,由于美国高昂的公共债务和不确定度经济前景,美元并没有良好的储备价值。泰国总理阿披实·维乍集瓦(AbhisitVejjajiva)也在会上发表了讲话,他呼吁创建国际机构,以对全球金融市场进行调控。

    He says the dollar is " not a good store of value " given the high public debt and uncertain economic outlook in the U.S. Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva also addressed the conference , calling for the creation of an international institution to regulate global financial markets .

  4. 2008年,在一场有争议的议会选举后,阿披实出任泰国总理。

    He came to power in 2008 after a controversial parliamentary vote .

  5. 星期四泰国总理颂猜宣布机场地区进入紧急状态。

    On Thursday Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat declared a state of emergency at the airports .

  6. 克林顿是星期二在曼谷与泰国总理阿披实举行会晤后谈到这些问题的。

    Clinton addressed the concerns on Tuesday in Bangkok after meeting Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva .

  7. 班汉是自1980年下半年以来首位访问缅甸的泰国总理。

    Banharn is the first Prime Minister of Thailand to visit Myanmar since the latter half of1980 .

  8. 泰国总理沙马,反对党在发言指责他时,他在折纸鹤打发时间。

    Samak Sundaravej passes the time folding a paper crane during the censure debate in parliament yesterday .

  9. 他信和妻子的控罪是,在他信担任泰国总理期间,他在一桩土地买卖中滥用职权。

    They face charges of abuse of power over a land purchase while Mr. Thaksin was prime minister .

  10. 泰国总理帕拉育呼吁泰国国民在一年的国丧期中穿黑色衣服。

    Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha called on the Thai people to wear black clothing during the one-year period .

  11. 泰国总理他信西那瓦举行会谈,以来自瑞士的海啸袭击的普吉岛,泰国旅游。

    Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra talks to a tourist from Switzerland in tsunami-hit Phuket island , Thailand .

  12. 泰国总理戴克辛去年十月开始实施全民医疗制度。

    Thai Prime Minister Thaksin began to implement the all-people medical system from the beginning of last October .

  13. 泰国总理沙玛敦促与会代表推动改革,确保有利于环境的可持续能源供应。

    Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej urged the delegates to push for reforms that ensure environmentally sustainable energy supplies .

  14. 泰国总理对此很是感激,她最近甚至还接见了《泰囧》的导演。

    The Thai prime minister was so grateful she even invited the movie 's director for a recent meeting .

  15. 经过最近的袭击事件之后,泰国总理召开了紧急会议,商讨应对目前形势的对策。

    After these recent attacks , Thailand 's prime minister called an emergency meeting to how to deal with the situation .

  16. 泰国总理他信已在寻找推动当地经济的办法,以弥补疲软的世界经济所带来的影响。

    Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has sought ways of boosting local consumption to offset the effects of a sagging world economy .

  17. 泰国总理帕拉育也发表了看法,建议买不起娃娃的人,就不要参与了。

    Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha weighed in saying people who could not afford to buy the dolls should not do so .

  18. 泰国总理说希望通过和孟加拉成立联合商会的形式来增进彼此沟通的程序。

    The Thai prime minister said that he wanted to ignite this process by forming a joint business council with Bangladesh .

  19. 泰国总理阿披实表示,在2006年军事政变纪念日来临之际,反政府组织可能会再次实施暴力活动。

    Thailand The Thai prime minister says anti-government groups could resort to violence before the anniversary of the country 's 2006 coup .

  20. 示威者围在泰国总理办公室外,他们投诉这次选举被人操纵。

    Demonstrators say they all prepared for final stand outside the Prime Minister 's office . They believe Thailand 's recent elections were .

  21. 亡命天涯的前泰国总理他信·西那瓦踏上柬埔寨首都的领土,接受政府经济顾问一职。

    Fugitive former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has landed in the Cambodian capital to take up a job as economic adviser to the government .

  22. 泰国总理表示,他可能将成为该国第一个接种中国科兴疫苗的人。

    Thailand 's Prime Minister says he may be among the first people in the country to get vaccinated against COVID-19 with China 's Sinovac vaccine .

  23. 拉差诺现在真正成了名人,一次又一次地在电视节目中讲述她脱贫致富的故事,还与泰国总理寒暄。

    Ms. Ratchanok is now a bona fide celebrity , re-telling her rags-to-riches story on television talk shows and hob-nobbing with the country 's prime minister .

  24. 泰国总理英拉•西那瓦表示,新内阁名单已经由内阁秘书长呈交给国王首席私人秘书办公室。

    Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra says the new cabinet lineup has been submitted to the Office of His Majesty 's Principal Private Secretary via the Cabinet secretary-general .

  25. 就像泰国总理阿披实维乍集瓦说的那样,抛弃那种以满足西方消费者的旧模式将“不再服务”这个区域。

    As Abhisit Vejjajiva , Thailand 's prime minister , put it , the old model of satisfying Western consumers " will no longer serve " the region .

  26. 他信长期以来和柬埔寨首相洪森关系良好,在他信担任泰国总理期间,泰国和柬埔寨的关系远比现在友善。

    Thaksin has long had close ties with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and the two countries had much friendlier relations during Thaksin 's tenure as Thailand 's prime minister .

  27. 一些政府领导人也参加了曼谷了此次会议,包括印尼总统尤多约诺、越南总理阮晋勇和泰国总理英拉-西那瓦。

    Several government leaders were in Bangkok for the meeting . They include Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono , Vietnam 's Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra .

  28. 在与泰国总理进行会晤之后的讲话中,希拉里提到了2006年的军事政变引起的殃及全国并在今年年初扰乱了东盟峰会的政治动乱。

    In her remarks after meeting the Thai prime minister , Clinton referred to the political unrest that has plagued Thailand since a military coup in2006 and disrupted an ASEAN summit earlier this year .

  29. 泰国总理阿披实星期五在曼谷召开的一个商业与投资会议上说,本周的东盟峰会将为2015年建立共同市场做出更大努力。

    At an ASEAN business and investment meeting in Bangkok Friday , Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said this week 's Leaders Summit would push harder for the realization of a common market by2015 .

  30. 尽管救援机构发出警告,缅甸政府官员对泰国总理表示,缅甸不需要国际救援人员,强热带风暴的幸存者当中也没有出现普遍的饥饿和疾病。

    Despite the warnings of aid agencies , Burmese officials told Thailand 's prime minister they do not need international aid workers and say there have not been widespread hunger or disease among the survivors .