
ní nào
  • mud;mire;quagmire;bog;morass;slough
泥淖 [ní nào]
  • (1) [mud]

  • (2) 泥泞的低洼地,也指烂泥、泥坑

  • (3) 比喻艰难而不易摆脱的困境

泥淖[ní nào]
  1. 如果欧元彻底消失,如何处置以欧元计价的合同,将成为一个法律上的泥淖。

    If the euro were to disappear altogether , the question of how to handle euro-denominated contracts would be a legal morass .

  2. 在上世纪90年代的市场化环境下,日常生活叙事在极度膨胀之后陷入欲望化的泥淖里迷失其意义。

    In 90 's market environment , the daily life narration is extremely inflating and falls into the desire morass and loses its significance .

  3. 一辆摩托车陷在泥淖中。

    A motorcycle had become stuck in the mud .

  4. 奥地利学派人类行为研究方法容易滑向不可知论泥淖。

    Austrian school 's human action methodology easily slides into agnosticism .

  5. 点出双睛浮出泥淖&语文教学中创造与情感教育摭谈

    On the Creativity and Emotionality Education in Chinese Language Teaching

  6. 他从泥淖中跨出了稳健的一步。

    He made a sure step out of the mud .

  7. 这些猪像往常一样正在泥淖中打滚。

    The pigs were wallowing in the dirt as usual .

  8. 然而,高等教育还是陷入了低效率和刺激不当的泥淖。

    But higher education is nevertheless marred by inefficiencies and skewed incentives .

  9. 运动已过去三年,如今应对儿童肥胖的斗争却陷入了策略上的泥淖。

    Campaign , the fight against childhood obesity faces a tactical problem .

  10. 至二十二日,敌人的前进完全陷于泥淖中。

    The enemy 's advance , by the twenty-second , was completely stalled .

  11. 泥淖阻碍了部队的前进。

    The mud hindered the advance of the troops .

  12. 调查研究可能让你陷入过去的泥淖。

    Research can trap you into the past .

  13. 她跌倒在泥淖里。

    She fell over in the mud .

  14. 我们在谈判中已陷入泥淖&很可能失败。

    We 're on a sticky wicket with these negotiations they could very well fail .

  15. 深陷在泥淖中的船舵。

    Its rudder embedded in mud .

  16. 他试图拖着自己的身体趟过泥淖,但却越陷越深。

    He tried to drag himself through the mud but he only sank more deeply into it .

  17. 两人透过囚窗外望,一人看到了泥淖,一人看见了群星。

    Two men looked from behind prison bars ; one saw mud , the other one stars .

  18. 他们把这个星球更深地拉入黩武、对抗和战争的泥淖之中。

    They have dragged the planet deeper into the mire of militarism , tension , and war .

  19. 不过,研究人员最近公布了十点行动计划,以此帮助年轻妈妈走出忧郁的泥淖。

    But now researchers have revealed a ten-point action plan to help young mums out of the doldrums .

  20. 据奥巴马的助手介绍,在华盛顿的政治泥淖中疲惫地挣扎了数月之后,奥巴马想暂喘口气。

    Aides said the president was seeking respite after a punishing few months in Washington 's political swamp .

  21. 从一个令你不断失望的男人那里寻找欣赏,让你陷入了自卑的泥淖。

    Looking for appreciation from a man who constantly puts you down has put you in a self-esteem void .

  22. 接下来就是用你独具建设性的方式开始对话,除非你陷入了下面的泥淖里。

    Then , you 're on your way to constructive conversation , unless you fall into the next category .

  23. 西方国家的银行将经济拉到一个大衰退中,而中国的银行却将这个国家拽出这个泥淖。

    BANKS in Westerncountries dragged their economies into the great recession . Banks in Chinapulled the country out of it .

  24. 战士们在大雨和泥淖中不停奔波,冒着生命危险,站在洪水里一次次扛运沙袋,加固堤坝。

    Working in the rain and mud for days , soldiers risk their lives to carry countless numbers of sacks .

  25. 为何一些国家可以取得持续性增长,而另一些国家却似乎依然陷于极端贫困的泥淖之中?

    Why have some countries been able to achieve sustained growth while others appear to remain trapped in dire poverty ?

  26. 美国陷在债务和赤字的泥淖,急需一个增长策略。

    The United States is bogged down with debt and deficits , and is in desperate need of a growth strategy .

  27. 那些仍然尚未意识到黑暗议程的人,深陷无知的泥淖中如同机器人般存在着。

    For those who remain unconscious to the darks'agenda , exist in the quagmire of ignorance and have assumed a machine like existence .

  28. 要积极避免可能令你陷入被曲解的泥淖的行为或活动。

    Avoid , with a passion , any action or activity that has the potential to become mired in the muck of misinterpretation .

  29. 1998年,在亚洲大多数地区陷入衰退泥淖之时,北京报告称经济增长率达到令人侧目的7.8%。

    While most of the region was mired in recession , Beijing said the economy grew by an impressive 7.8 per cent in 1998 .

  30. 人类解放是马克思走出市民社会泥淖的一种新的政治选择。

    The liberation of the human beings is a new political choice for Marx to get out of the dilemma of the civil society .