- Bordeaux;Bordeaux, France;BOD

The term ' claret ' , used to describe Bordeaux wines , may come from the French word ' clairet ' .
The high-speed train service is planned to extend from Paris to Bordeaux
Bordeaux is on the main Paris-Madrid line so there are frequent trains
The American consulate was a magnificent edifice in the centre of Bordeaux .
Rob Harmeling won the sprint in Bordeaux .
There is an express service from Paris which completes the journey to Bordeaux in under 4 hours .
Which vintage of red bordeaux is the best value ?
Bordeaux produced the upset of the European season by sending mighty AC Milan crashing out of the UEFA Cup on Tuesday night .
A hilarious video showed the swaying crowds singing Can 't Take My Eyes Off You and Hey Baby to the laughing young woman in Bordeaux .
Mainly grown on the Right Bank of Bordeaux , it is the principal variety of Pomerol and is often blended with Cabernet .
Sediment is most frequently found in older ( 10 + years ) darker red wines , which typically have more color pigments and tannins such as Cabernet Sauvignon , Bordeaux and Port .
Full-bodied red wine from around the town of Saint_Emilion in Bordeaux .
China was also discovering fine wine at that time , but mostly French wine like Bordeaux .
French red wine might be labeled " Bordeaux " after the region where it was made .
This is thanks to Asian demand , primarily for top red Bordeaux , but also a growing thirst for Grand Cru Burgundy .
Most , such as La Jenny , close to the Atlantic near Bordeaux , are located in forests , in keeping with many nudists ' back to nature ideals .
Company bosses and their French friends in-depth French villages , all the way to travel all the way Tasting and find .
So why does the lively young crowd at H ô tel du Nord pay just 5 euros to drink a glass of Bordeaux along the Canal St. - Martin ?
James booth , managing director of new generation wines , a UK wholesale supplier , said the shift back to Bordeaux comes as individuals as well as bulk buyers , such as restaurants , switch to cheaper wines .
Yet the one-quarter of exported Bordeaux that headlines its wine sales to China and Hong Kong comes from big-production vineyards that can hardly be deemed artisanal .
Hundreds of thousands of young men and women come from Lisbon , Leipzig , Vienna , Valencia , Bordeaux and Bologna to make friends , fall in love and pledge eternal Facebook friendship to each other .
Mr St Pierre SR also asked his French client to hand-pick a dozen other Bordeaux wines to complement Bollinger .
Now widely planted , it was originally grown in Bordeaux and the Loire , where it produces a crisp , dry style .
New interest from Asia , Russia and , increasingly , Latin America has put extraordinary pressure on prices of the traditional trophy wines , the Bordeaux first growths and most sought-after Grand Cru burgundies .
She calls Deir Mimas , her picturesque home town , the Bordeaux of olive oil .
Asian wine collectors , the most active buyers in the market just a few years ago , have turned less enthusiastic on fine Bordeaux but are still splurging on top-flight Burgundy .
And although many are loath to admit it , the prices of the most prized Bordeaux are entangled with the pronouncements of a handful of experts , indeed , some would say just one : wine critic Robert Parker .
The purchase of the Chateau de la Rivi è re vineyard in France 's Bordeaux region last week signaled a shift for the company , marking Brilliant Group 's first foray outside of China .
Oliver Sharp , associate director at Bordeaux Index , the London-based wholesale wine trader , said : There 's a considerable amount of stock in the UK that people have sought to buy ... we 're still selling a fair amount back to Bordeaux .
If this small city-state was serious about attracting some of the greatest names from Bordeaux and Burgundy , then the collectors who bought these wines were going to need somewhere to store them .