
fàn huánɡ
  • yellowing
  1. 研究了甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)改性豆油醇酸树脂对溶剂气干型醇酸白漆泛黄程度的影响。

    MMA grafting is used to lowering the yellowing tendency of an soybean alkyd paint .

  2. 实践表明只要较好地控制,完全能达到H2O2一浴法的效果,问题是贮存过程中略有泛黄。

    The practice demonstrated that provided control was proper it was able to get same effect as one-step pretreatment with H2O2 . The problem lies in yellowing during storing .

  3. 紫外吸收剂F在真丝绸防泛黄中的应用

    Ultraviolet Absorber F Applied to Anti-Yellowing of Real Silk Fabrics

  4. 紫外吸收剂DF-1对真丝织物的防泛黄效果研究

    Anti-Yellowing Effect of Ultraviolet Light Absorber DF-1 on Silk Fabrics

  5. 微乳液中加入少量有机酸酯(NZ)和亚硫酸氢钠(NS),可有效降低泛黄性,且不增加成本、不降低柔软性。

    Adding a little of NZ and NS in microemulsion , the nature of its yellowing is considerably reduced with no concerns of increasing cost and decreasing softness .

  6. 采用ATR技术测定柞丝绸随紫外光辐照时间的增加,某些结构特征吸收强度的变化规律,研究了柞丝绸经辐照后结构的改变及泛黄的机理。

    Attenuated total reflection ( ATR ) technique has been used to examine the change of characteristic absorbances of some structures of tussah silk by increasing time of irradiation with ultraviolet rays .

  7. 在24岁时,他终于治愈了,他写了一本书,elmundoamarillo(《泛黄的世界》),不是关于如何从癌症中求生存,他坚持,而是关于如何生活。

    By the time he was finally cured at 24 , he had written a book , El Mundo Amarillo ( the Yellow world ) , not about how to survive cancer , he insists , but about how to live .

  8. 真丝织物光泛黄脆化时间函数的研究

    Time Functions of the Yellowing and Brittleness of Irradiated Silk Fabrics

  9. 处理后表面洁净、不失光、不褪色、不泛黄。

    The treated surface is unfading , non yellowing and glossy .

  10. 显然她有意识,他的眼睛泛黄。

    Obviously she 's conscious . she 's got yellow eyes .

  11. 令人惊讶的是,照片还没有泛黄褪色。

    Surprisingly , its co-lors had still not turned yellowish pale .

  12. 荧光增白剂的泛黄点及其分析

    Yellow Spots of the Fluorescent Whiteners and the Analyses Thereof

  13. 射频溅射法制备氟碳高分子膜的泛黄问题研究

    Study on yellowish of fluorocarbon films prepared by RF sputtering

  14. 交联-酰化法改进氨乙基氨丙基硅油的泛黄性

    Improvement of yellowing of aminoethyl and aminopropyl silicone oil by crosslinking-acylating proces

  15. 真丝织物的热泛黄脆化研究

    A Study of Heat-Yellowing and Brittleness of Real Silk Fabric

  16. 注意茎干部泛黄或黑色的斑点。

    Watch for yellowing or black spots on the stems .

  17. 泛黄磨损的牙齿,和迷离的眼神。

    and browning , ground-down teeth and a lostness in their eyes .

  18. 泛黄的记忆相片里,定格某些已逝的爱情碎片。

    Yellow memory in the pictures , fixed some past love pieces .

  19. 站在炉前,我一边刷着泛黄的牙,

    I stood brushing my yellowish teeth beside the hearth ,

  20. 处理温度的升高,羊绒纤维开始泛黄。

    Besides , the cashmere fiber becomes yellow with the increase in temperature .

  21. 除了可使用紫外线吸收剂来防止泛黄外,使用抗氧剂来防止泛黄也是可能的。

    It 's possible to resist yellowing by using anti-oxidants besides ultraviolet absorber .

  22. 纯棉特白产品泛黄原因的分析

    Causes for Yellowing of Ultra-white Pure Cotton Knitted Fabrics

  23. 白色及染色PA/EL织物后整理中的泛黄问题

    Yellowing problems in the finishing of white and colored PA / EL goods

  24. 一排玉米也是茎叶泛黄,发育不良。

    A row of cornstalks are yellowed and stunted .

  25. 暴风雨把河流搅得翻滚起来,因此泛黄的河汉夹杂着泥沙奔流而去。

    The rainstorm churned up the rivers so they ran buown with silt .

  26. 还原剂漂白羊毛织物后的白度稳定性和防泛黄整理

    Whiteness Stability and Anti-Yellowing Finishing of Reducer-Bleached Wool Fabrics

  27. 还原焰烧成陶瓷制品泛黄的原因分析及其解决途径

    Causes of yellow cast on ceramics fired with reductive flame and ways to overcome

  28. 紫外光照射对真丝绸泛黄性的研究

    Research on Silk Yellowing Caused by Ultraviolet Irradiation

  29. 你的笑容已泛黄。

    Traces of your smile in yellowing despair .

  30. 特性:中和洗涤后布件中的残留碱性,消除锈迹,防止织物泛黄。

    Characters : Neutralizes residual alkali , remove rust stain and helps prevent yellowing .