
  • 网络farthing
  1. 万拉法新联合维生素B6治疗抑郁症对照研究

    A control study of combination of venlafaxine and vitamin B6 in the treatment of depression

  2. 结果万拉法新对IBS的治疗总体改善率为80%,对照组为52.17%(P<0.05)。

    Results The efficacy rate of Venlafaxine was 80 % . The efficacy rate of Nifedipine was 57.7 % .

  3. 城市地铁施工中采用PBA法新思路

    The New Idea of Adopting PBA Method in the Construction of the Urban Subway

  4. 文章在论述WTO法新发展的基础上,探讨我国外贸法与外贸制度中迫切需要完善的若干问题。

    The paper , on the basis of elaborating the development of the WTO laws , focuses its discussion on the aspects to be improved in China 's foreign trade laws and foreign trade systems .

  5. 方法对功能性消化不良患者进行Scl-90测评并对其中50例患者用盐酸文拉法新治疗,疗程为8周,治疗后再行Scl-90。

    Methods Scl-90 was performed in patients with FD and Venlafaxine were used to treat FD patients for 8 weeks , Scl-90 was done before and after the treatment .

  6. 一维晶体表面态的LCAO法新方案

    A New Treatment of Surface States in Finite Linear Crystals by MO - LCAO Method

  7. 针对动态多指标决策中指标和时段的权重确定问题,提出了基于投影寻踪(PP)的理想点法新模型(PPIPM模型)。

    In order to determine the weights of attributes and period times in dynamic multiple attribute decision , an ideal point method based on projection pursuit for dynamic multiple attribute decision , named PP-IPM , is presented in this paper .

  8. R8法新工艺是在高酸度介质中,采用甲醛还原氯酸钠水溶液,以及在一个反应器内进行反应-蒸发-结晶的高效生产方法。

    R8 process is a new and high efficient process , which reduces in a medium with high acidity the aqueous solution of sodium chlorate with methanol and accomplishes reaction , evaporation and crystallization in the same reactor .

  9. 瑞利波勘探的波长解释法新探

    A new investigation into interpretation of wavelength in Rayleigh wave exploration

  10. 无单元伽辽金法新形函数技术

    A new technique of shape function construction with element-free Galerkin method

  11. 万拉法新治疗注意缺陷障碍的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of hyperactivity disorder of childhood treated with venlafaxine

  12. 万拉法新对抑郁症患者血清性激素的影响

    Sex Hormone Level Response to Venlafaxine in Depressive Patients

  13. 以七水硫酸亚铁为原料,采用改良二步复分解法新工艺制硫酸钾。

    A new producing technology of potassium sulfate from ferrous sulfate is reported .

  14. 竞走速成教学法新探

    A New Research on Quick Method of Teaching in Heel and Toe Walking

  15. 文拉法新治疗不稳定型心绞痛伴抑郁症的疗效观察

    The Observation on the Curative Effect of Venlafaxine for Unstable Angina Pectoris with Depression

  16. 合成硬脂酸铅的皂化法新工艺

    New Saponifying Process for Synthesis of Lead Stearate

  17. 生物膜法新工艺&无泡曝气膜生物反应器

    A New Technology of Biomembrane Process & Bubble - Free Aeration Membrane Biological Reactor

  18. 醋酐法新工艺生产奥克托今/黑索今中废水的分析

    Analysis of Wastewater of HMX / RDX Manufactured by a New Acetic Anhydride Method

  19. 生产硫酸钾的溶剂法新工艺

    The Solvent Process of Manufacture of Potassium Sulfate

  20. 小剂量万拉法新治疗精神分裂症后抑郁临床观察

    Small dosage of venlafaxine in post-schizophrenic depression

  21. 结论万拉法新可以有效改善急性脑卒中后的失眠症状并能促进神经功能康复。

    Conclusions Venlafaxine was effective to the poststroke insomnia and helpful to neurol function recovery .

  22. 低浓度罗哌卡因与布比卡因复合芬太尼硬膜外分娩镇痛万拉法新与阿米替林治疗抑郁症的随机双盲对照研究

    A Double-blind Comparison of Ropivacaine with Sufentanil and Bupivacaine with Sufentanil for Epidural Labor Analgesia

  23. 加强和协调国际法治&国际法新趋势探析

    Strengthen and Coordinate International Rule of Law : Analysis of New Trends in International Law

  24. 加速固体粉末渗铝的两段法新工艺

    A New Two-Step Process of Pack Aluminizing

  25. 结论:万拉法新治疗脑卒中后抑郁症疗效明显、副作用较少。

    Conclusion : Venlafaxine is effective for treatment of post stroke depression with less side effects .

  26. 目的比较万拉法新与丁螺环酮治疗伴有焦虑症状的抑郁症的疗效。

    Objective To compare the efficacy of Venlafaxine and Buspirone in treating depression associated with anxiety .

  27. 蔗渣制取木糖的半中和法新工艺研究

    Study on the new technique of the xylose extraction from paper-making bagasse by the half-neutralization method

  28. 压注膨胀剂水泥浆加固法新工艺研究与应用

    The Researches and Application of Consolidating Method of Concrete Structures by Cement Paste with Pressive Injection of Expansion Agent

  29. 对大跨屋盖结构应用模态加速度法新的表达式改进风致响应计算。

    The new expression of the mode-acceleration solution is employed to improve evaluations of the wind-induced response for large roof structures in this paper .

  30. 土木工程专业英语教学法新探从新形势的需要探讨《非英语专业硕士研究生英语教学大纲》的修订

    Pilot Study on the Civil Engineering ESP Teaching Exploring the Revision of Non-English Major Graduate Student English Syllabus in Terms of New Situations ' Needs