
  • 网络lawyer;jurist
  1. 职业法律人对构建和谐社会的影响

    Influence of Professional Lawyer on Building up Harmonious Society

  2. 国际化背景下的法律人&实务者还是哲学家?

    Lawyer in the International Context-Operative or Philosopher ?

  3. MBTI性格类型理论无论对作为个体的法律人和还是对作为整体的法律职业,在自我完善方面都具有重要的参考价值。

    MBTI psychological type theory may contribute to the self-perfection to individual lawyers as well as legal profession as a whole .

  4. 法律人思考和解决过去的事情;

    They think about and solve the problems in the past .

  5. 在原则与政策之间&罗纳德·德沃金和理想法律人的建构

    Between Principles and Policies : Ronald Dworkin and Constructing an Ideal Jurist

  6. 法律人职业道德研究(上)

    The Studies on the Professional Ethics of the Legal Practitioners ( Part ⅰ)

  7. 法律人群体是独特的社会群体。

    The groups of Legal Persons are unique groups .

  8. 法律人的思维方式与法律教育&由法律诊所教育手段生发的思考

    On Legal Persons ' Thinking Mode & Legal Education

  9. 论法律人的养成公司中律师兼任董事双重身份的弊端及立法对策

    Abuse of Dual Personality as Lawyer and Director in a Company and Countermeasures

  10. 触犯了法律人就会惹上警察。

    A person who breaks a law can be in hot water with the police .

  11. 近代在华外国法律人对中国治外法权制度的认识

    Foreigners ' Understanding of China 's Extraterritoriality System of Foreign Law During the Later Qing Dynasty

  12. 法律人推理的形式是演绎推理;

    Their reasoning form is deduction .

  13. 法律人:中国法学高等教育的人才目标新探

    Law People-A New Probe into the Talent Cultivation Objective of Higher Education of China 's Legal Science

  14. 英美法系法律人职业范式的轨迹&以英国与美国为例

    Track of Professional Paradigm of Jurists in the Anglo-American Law System & Taking Britain and America for Instance

  15. 在法制史中,习惯法事实上已经成为法律人的构造物。

    Actually , the customary law has become an artificial product of the judge in the legal history .

  16. 法律人眼中的现代农村分家&以女性的现实地位为关注点

    Family Property Division of Modern Countryside in the Lawyer 's Eyes & Focusing on Women 's Actual Status

  17. 第二,研究人类共通的思维形式及规则在法律人思维中的应用条件;

    Studying the applying condition of the contain thinking forms and roles of human beings in law-man ' thinking ;

  18. 中国古代刑官的权力解析&法律人职业化的历史透视(三)

    Resolution of the Powers of Chinese Ancient Judge & Historical Perspective View of Lawyers ' Occupationalization ( 3 )

  19. 随着中国法制的近代化,我国法律人群体逐渐形成。

    Along with the modernization of legal system of China , the groups of Legal Persons of China gradually formed .

  20. 培养法律人是法学教育的基本目标与主要任务。

    The training of legal service personnel is a basic goal as well as a major task in legal education .

  21. 与环境法相关的内容,渤海湾溢油事故所引起的海洋生态损害赔偿责任问题,是我们法律人应重点关注的。

    And environmental law , the Bohai Bay oil spill caused by the marine ecosystem damages , our laws should focus on .

  22. 一个大陆法系民法法律人初次面对英美法系民事法律制度时总会感到无所适从,特别是财产法方面。

    A civil lawyer when initially confronted with Anglo-America legal system is always in a quandary , especially in terms of property law .

  23. 作为基础法学教育的本科法学教育,法律人应作为中国法学高等教育的人才目标。

    As the basic law education , law education in the university shall take the " law people " as its cultivation objective .

  24. 这种思考与法学家的自我身份认同密切相关,由此被称为法律人的法理学。

    These schools of thought may be called the jurisprudence of jurists , as they are so closely related with law researchers ' self-identity .

  25. 我不是学行政法的,但我相信任何中立的法律人都不会容忍这种许可证的存在。

    I am not a professional in Administrative Law , but I don 't think any neutral lawyer would tolerant this kind of license .

  26. 认为法律人是作为人与人的关系和人与自然的关系的总和的人;

    This paper holds that , legal person is the man as the unity of relations among people and those between man and nature .

  27. 能动司法的提出可谓是中国法律人顺应历史潮流对传统司法理念的调整和革新。

    Active judiciary can be described as that follows the historical trend of Chinese traditional judicial ideas and adjusts and innovates the traditional judicial philosophy .

  28. 中国法律人具有异质性,因此需要对中国法律职业共同体的建构进路给出一些新的诠释。

    Legal persons in China have heterogeneity , therefore , we would like to give some new explanations for the establishment of the legal professional community in China .

  29. 法律人群体的形成,中国法律人的血统的接续研究也成为法制事业复兴的重要内容。

    The formation of groups of the legal persons , and subsequent research of descent of legal persons of China has also become an important aspect of rehabilitation .

  30. 在经过历史的沉淀后,习惯法就不仅仅是甚至不再是社会公众的行为模式,反而成为法律人的思维模式。

    So the customary law is not the behavior mode of the civil , but has become the thinking mode of the lawyer passing through a long historical deposition .