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  • 网络Red wine;French red wine
  1. 我想要喝法国红酒。

    I 'd like to have Frence red wine .

  2. 昨夜,我从舟山抵达上海,与我的好兄弟、著名诗人王霆章、刘原一起喝法国红酒,每人一瓶;

    Last night , I arrived at Shanghai from Zhoushan , degusting French Red Wine with my buddies , famous poets Wang Tingzhang , Liuyuan together , a bottle for each ;

  3. 就像是一杯法国红酒里有只黑苍蝇

    It 's a black fly in your Chardonnay

  4. Mondavi的任务就是要向全世界证明美国可以制作跟古老的法国红酒一样甚至更好的红酒。

    Mondavi 's mission was to prove to the world that Americans could make wines as good as , even better than the classic French wines .

  5. 最近一个应用该规定的例子是,法国红酒公司卡思黛乐(Castel)因商标侵权行为而被处以500万美元罚款。

    A recent example of this rule being applied is the case of French wine company , Castel , being hit with a $ 5m fine for trade mark infringement .

  6. 法国红酒非常受欢迎。

    Red wines from France are very popular .

  7. 只要是法国红酒,哪种都行。

    Any French wine will be good .

  8. 另送法国红酒,软饮,果汁,奶昔,浓茶任两杯。

    Your choice from wine , soft drink , fruit juice , milkshake or tea one for each free !

  9. 是啊,既然都到这儿了,我想我们不妨试试法国红酒。

    B ︰ Yes , so I guess we might as well try a French wine while we 're here .

  10. 好望角公司多年来致力于将欧洲美食风情引入中国,汇集了西班牙风情美食、意大利比萨、法国红酒、西餐及欧式特色饮品等风味美食。

    Cape of Good Hope has introduced typical European food into China , and gathered many kinds of styles like Italy pizza , French wine , etc.

  11. 伦德尔在香港长大,对香港有着很深的感情,他发现香港在质量上乘的平价法国红酒销售市场存在一个空白。

    Mr Rendall , who retained a deep affection for Hong Kong after being brought up there , spotted a gap in the market for selling good quality , affordable French wine .

  12. 烈图本身是法国玫瑰红酒第一品牌。

    Domaines Listel is the number one brand for ros é wines in France .

  13. 近几年,从温哥华房产到法国波尔多红酒,再到现代艺术品,富有的中国人已经抬高了全球各地资产投资的价格。

    Wealthy Chinese have bid up the price of investment assets in recent years from property in Vancouver to French Bordeaux and modern art .

  14. 然而,从官方通讯社新华社的一篇报道来看,在尼斯与法方官员会谈时,该公司的高官称有意进入法国的红酒、餐饮、香水、时装和艺术产业。

    At a meeting in Nice with French officials , however , company executives said they were interested in expanding into French wine , restaurants , perfume , fashion and art , according to a report by Xinhua , the state-run news agency .

  15. 女主人的拿手好戏法国乡村菜红酒鸡,最好看的时节在于浇上白兰地之后点起的火焰!

    Hostess 's famous drop-dead-gorgeous Coq Au Vin , the best scene for me was of course the fire after cognac !

  16. 他穿上巴西制的夹脚拖鞋,倒了一杯法国生产的红酒然后打开韩国制的电视,还在奇怪为什麽他找不到一个好的美国工作。

    He put on his sandals ( made in Brazil ), poured himself a glass of wine ( made in France ) and turned on his TV ( made in Korea ), and then wondered why he can 't find a good paying job in AMERICA .

  17. 有时候,中国主人接二连三的敬酒(法国香槟与意大利红酒),让意大利客人有点招架不住。

    The Italian guests struggled at times to keep up with the rapid sequence of toasts their host offered with French champagne and Italian red wine .

  18. 随着中国在去年取代法国和意大利成为红酒的最大购买者,亚洲买家如今在全球的葡萄酒市场中有着重要的影响力。

    Asian consumers have become a major factor in the global wine market , with China overtaking France and Italy last year as the biggest consumer of red wine .

  19. 几个星期前,我们进入了凉爽的气候,意味着五颜六色的树叶、壁炉中的柴火、丰盛的食物,以及源自法国雨水河谷的红酒。

    A few weeks ago , we wrote that cooler weather , to us , means colorful leaves , logs in the fireplace , heartier food & and red wines from the Rhne Valley of France .

  20. 法国人安东尼•伦德尔(AnthonyRendall)原来的工作是为法国出版社Gallimard撰写旅行指南,如今他开设了一家公司,为香港市场进口法国红酒。

    Anthony Rendall , a French expatriate , swapped a life penning travel guides for French publisher Gallimard to launch a business importing French wine for the Hong Kong market .