
shā bào
  • sandstorm;saltation;tebad
沙暴 [shā bào]
  • [sandstorm] 强风吹起地面粗沙在空中飞扬的现象

沙暴[shā bào]
沙暴[shā bào]
  1. 这些士兵在沙暴中迷了路。

    The men lost their way in a sandstorm .

  2. 我们在沙漠里行驶时,沙暴加强了。

    A sandstorm kicked up while we drove through the desert .

  3. 激光探测沙暴过程中的气溶胶消光系数分布

    Detection of aerosol extinction coefficient profiles during dust storms by lidar

  4. 沙暴天气的云图特征分析

    Cloudness Features of Two Kinds of Dust Devil Weather in China

  5. 中国的沙暴、尘暴及防治

    China 's Sand Storm , Dust Storm & Their Prevention and Control

  6. 保护脆弱生态系统削减沙暴灾害强度

    To Protect Weak Ecologic System , To Reduce Sandstorm Disaster

  7. 而且未来几年还会发生更多的沙暴。

    And more are expected over the next few years .

  8. 顶着沙暴,穿过迷雾,我向你走去。

    Through sand storms and hazy , dawns I reached for you .

  9. 我们很幸运没有遭遇沙暴。

    We were lucky and didn 't encounter any sandstorms .

  10. 火星上有一次刮几个月的定期沙暴。

    There are periodic sandstorms that go on for months at a time .

  11. 沙暴破坏性的力量是巨大的。

    The destructive force of the storm was huge .

  12. 大平原上刮起的狂风在遭到过分放牧的草原上形成巨大的沙暴。

    The winds of the Great Plains caused huge dust storms on overgrazed lands .

  13. 他穿过一片由干旱和沙暴造成的荒凉不毛的地区。

    He traveled homeward through a region made barren by drought and dust storms .

  14. 沙暴从北非地中海沿岸刮起、经西西里岛直奔希腊东岸。

    Dust blows across the Mediterranean from North Africa and across Sicily to western Greece .

  15. 我国西北地区5.5沙暴的危害与对策

    The harmfulness of violent sand-dust storm of May 5 in northwestern China and possible countermeasures

  16. 93.5大风沙暴灾情、成因与防治措施

    The Disaster Condition , Causes of the Sandstorm Happened in May of 1993 and the Control Measures

  17. 在1931年和其后的几年,连接发生严重干旱,接着便是大风沙暴。

    In 1931 and the following years , a series of terrible droughts were followed by dust storms .

  18. 在研究我国沙暴分布特征的基础上,通过两次沙暴天气的对比分析,给出了沙暴天气的云图特征。

    Cloudness features of two kinds of sandstorms are presented based on the analysis of two sandstorm weather events .

  19. 为了挽回波斯的尊严,大流士以沙暴之说来掩盖其前期不堪入目的衰败时期。

    To restore Persia 's dignity , Darius covered up his predecessor 's embarrassing downfall with the sandstorm story .

  20. 在他们的调查中,科学家们经历了数次神秘遭遇,从奇异的沙暴到奇怪的停电。

    During their investigation , the scientists experienced several mysterious occurrences , from a freak sandstorm to a strange power outage .

  21. 1991年我在尼日尔呆了五个月。那是个荒凉的非洲国家,沙暴遍地,酷热难当。

    In 1991 , I had spent five months in a bleak African country , Niger , ravaged by sandstorms and blistering heat .

  22. 和阗民居为阿以旺式&即以中央明亮厅为中心,布置所有房间,以适应沙暴日气候;

    The house in Hetian is of the Ayiwang style , that is to build other rooms around the bright hall so that they can adapt to the frequent-happening sandstorm .

  23. 上面的影像中也可以看到火星的北极冰帽,亮暗不同的土壤,云层,以及早期影像中的沙暴。

    Visible also in the above images are the north polar cap of Mars , dark and light soil , clouds , and , in the early images , a global dust storm .

  24. 由于空气干燥,各种建筑都慢慢腐朽,沙暴也不断把沙子吹进去,现在看来,这座城仿佛溺亡在了沙漠中。

    Since the air is so dry , the buildings are slowly decaying and then sandstorms have blown sand into the buildings , making it look like the town is drowning in sand .

  25. 究其原因,除大气运行外,主要是地面裸露,地表多为易被风力吹蚀的沙粒粉尘,加之干热的气候、强烈的辐射和干燥的地表加剧了大风沙暴的危害。

    With regard to the causes , in addition to atmospheric movement , the main causes were uncovered land surface , sandy dust easily eroded by wind , dry and hot climate , strong radiation and dry land surface .

  26. 我们仍然有一段很长的路要走。我的意思是几天前我来到北京,就遇到了一场沙暴。

    And there are still , um , a long , there 's still a long way to go . I mean , um , I , I , I arrived at Beijing several days ago and I was greeted by a sand storm .

  27. 近年来由于人类毫无节制的各种破坏自然的活动,导致了生态环境的恶化,温室效应、干旱、雪灾、沙暴等异常天气现象的发生率正在不断增多。

    In recent years , unrestrained destruction of nature due to the activities of human led to the deterioration of ecological environment . The incidence of the extreme weather phenomena including greenhouse effect , droughts , snowstorms , sandstorms and so on is increasing .

  28. 在对1993年5月5日宁蒙两区发生特大沙暴考察的基础上,系统分析了特大沙暴形成的原因、造成的危害及沙暴的运行规律。

    Based on the investigation of extraordinarily serious sand storm ( ESSS ) occurred on May 5th , 1993 in Ningxia Hui Nationality and Nei Monggol Autonomous Regions , the formation cause of this ESSS , its disastrous harms and moving patterns are analyzed .

  29. 1993年5月我国西北地区的大风沙暴,面积大、持续时间长,局部还出现了霜、雪、雹等灾害,造成了重大的经济损失。

    In May of 1993 , a sandstrom happened in the northwest of China , it had a long duration and involved a large area , causing heavy economic loss . Frost , snow , hail and other disasters also happened in some areas .