
  • 网络bus ticket
  1. 我曾经借给老妈一张汽车票的钱。

    I once loaned my mother money for a bus ticket .

  2. 我曾经借给老妈一张汽车票的钱

    I once loaned my mother money for a bus ticket ,

  3. 他给预订了次日的汽车票。

    He booked for the following day 's bus .

  4. NET技术开发的汽车票销售管理系统。

    NET technology development bus sales management system .

  5. 所以他们就订了七天后的汽车票,早上六点出发,晚上十一点到达Orlando,奥兰多。

    We leave at six in the morning and arrive in Orlando at eleven at night .

  6. 我们在那里订购了去帕伦克(palenque)的汽车票,好一睹墨西哥最为壮观的玛雅遗迹。

    From there we booked bus tickets to Palenque , to see some of the most spectacular Mayan ruins in Mexico .

  7. 于是,他去买一张去犹他州的汽车票。

    Then he went to buy a bus ticket to Utah .

  8. 在进城的路上,我们把汽车票弄丢了?

    We lost our bus tickets on our way to town .

  9. 今天有到天津的长途汽车票吗?

    Is there any long-distance bus tickets to Tianjing today ?

  10. 售票员用剪票夹在他的汽车票上打孔。

    The conductor punched his bus ticket .

  11. 因为,试想,一张到巴格达的汽车票要比一张到纽约的机票便宜的多。

    Because , presumably , a bus ticket to Baghdad is less expensive that a plane ticket to New York .

  12. 酒店设有飞机票、火车票及汽车票代订业务与服务;并帮助客人安排扬州一日游活动。

    The hotel can help guests to book tickets of airplane , train and bus , and arrange one-day tour in Yangzhou .

  13. 这些用户可以使用手机购买火车和汽车票、购物、进入停车场和查看时间表。

    The customers can use the phone to buy tickets for transport on trains and buses , make purchases , have access to car parks and look up timetables .

  14. 但是这个英俊而年轻的男人告诉我他需要钱买汽车票去见他濒死的妈妈,所以我给了他2美元。

    But this nice young man told me a sob story about needing money for a bus ticket to see his dying mother , so I gave him two dollars .

  15. 尽管寒假近在眼前,但对于学生来说,本应舒舒服服的返乡途却并非一帆风顺。他们需要在长达40天的春运期间买到回家的飞机票、汽车票或火车票。

    The winter vacation is coming , but what should be a pleasant trip home for students can be a challenging journey - they need to buy plane , coach or train tickets during chunyun period , the 40-day travel rush around Spring Festival .

  16. 领取养老金者买汽车或火车票时有优惠。

    OAPs get cheaper bus and train tickets .