
  • 网络Great Wall of the Han Dynasty
  1. 它们有时候会被贴上引人遐想的标签,比如“有助于了解汉长城沿线生活的重要文物”,但没有说明原因。

    Sometimes they would have a tantalizing label like " an important relic for understanding life on the Han dynasty Great Wall , " but they didn 't explain why .

  2. 以“敦煌石窟”、“敦煌壁画”闻名天下,是世界遗产莫高窟和汉长城边陲玉门关、阳关的所在地。

    The " Dunhuang Grottoes " " Dunhuang frescoes " are well known in the world as world heritages with the Mogao Grottoes , Great Walls ruin of Han Dynasty , Yumenguan Pass the Yangguan Pass .