
  • Chinese Language and Literature;Chinese Literature;Chinese Language & Literature
  1. 直到第11名才开始出现一些社会科学类专业,比如汉语言文学、外国语和新闻学专业。

    It 's not until No. 11 that some social science majors such as Chinese language and literature , foreign language studies and journalism1 appear .

  2. 汉语言文学专业教师教育实践性课程的构建

    Construction of Practical Education Curriculum In Teachers of Chinese Language and Literature

  3. 汉语言文学专业学位论文的英文摘要写作

    English Abstracts Writing for the Thesis in Chinese Language and Literature

  4. 现代汉语是汉语言文学专业的一门专业基础课。

    Modern Chinese is a required course for Chinese literature specialty .

  5. 关于汉语言文学专业教改的几点思考

    Several Ideas on the Reform Research of Chinese Literature Teaching

  6. 蒙元时期丝绸之路汉语言文学研究

    The Study of Chinese Literature of the Silk Road in Yuan Dynasty

  7. 汉语言文学专业学生毕业论文的问题与对策

    Chinese Majors ' Problems in Writing Graduate Paper and Countermeasures

  8. 地方高校汉语言文学专业就业现状及对策分析

    On the Employment and Strategies of Chinese Literature Majors in Local Colleges

  9. 写作不仅是汉语言文学专业的“专利”;

    Writing is not the " patent " for only Chinese majors .

  10. 汉语言文学专业双语教学初探

    First Exploration on Bilingual Teaching in the Chinese Language and Literature Specialty

  11. 汉语言文学专业学习八法及其辨证

    Eight Ways and Its Dialectics of Learning for the Chinese Literature Speciality

  12. 声律:汉语言文学的听觉美感

    Sound Rate : Acoustic Sense of Beauty about Chinese Language and Literature

  13. 论翻译对汉语言文学的影响及其限度

    The Influence of Translation on Chinese Language and Literature

  14. 汉语言文学专业课教学中审美教育的研究与实施

    Study and Practice : Aesthetic Education in the Chinese Language and Literature Class

  15. 汉语言文学专业课程体系创新的初步探索

    The Preliminary Research on Curriculum System Innovation of Chinese Language and Literature Specialty

  16. 学分制条件下专业人才培养方案制订的思考&以汉语言文学专业(师范、文秘)为例

    Reflections on the Professional Talents Cultivation Project under the Condition of Credit System

  17. 中国现当代文学是高校汉语言文学专业的一门专业基础课程,具有很突出的前沿性特征。

    Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature is a fundamental course at colleges and universities .

  18. 写作是师范院校汉语言文学专业的一门重要的基础学科。

    Writing is an important basic subject for the Chinese language major in normal universities .

  19. 汉语言文学是我国普通高等教育中的传统专业。

    Chinese language and literature is the traditional major in regular higher education in China .

  20. 工科院校汉语言文学专业人才培养模式探略&以石家庄铁道学院为例

    Modes for Cultivating Talents in Chinese Language Literature in Engineering Colleges Taking Shijiazhuang Railway Institute as Example

  21. 合成词是大学汉语言文学专业现代汉语课程重要的教学内容,涉及语法分析、汉语拼音注音问题。

    Compound words contain the main teaching contents in modern Chinese course and involve grammatical analysis , Chinese phonetic .

  22. 在中华文明的发展过程中,古代佛经翻译和近代外国文学作品翻译对汉语言文学的发展产生了深刻的影响。

    The Buddhist scriptures ' translation and the contemporary literature translation exerted great influences on Chinese language and literature .

  23. 小学教育本科专业的教学计划应确定小学教师语文素养在整体素质结构中的位置及其有异于汉语言文学专业的特殊性。

    The teaching plans for primary education major should definitely state the importance of Chinese qualification for primary school teachers .

  24. 论传统专业的现代转型&以汉语言文学为缘起

    On the Modern Transference of Traditional Disciplines ── With the Discipline of Chinese Language and Literature as the Starting-point of Discussion

  25. 从基础教育课程改革看汉语言文学专业课程重构

    Curriculum Reconstruction for the speciality of Chinese Language and Literature : An Inspiration out of the Curriculum Reform in Fundamental Education

  26. 北京语言大学汉语言文学专业2004级两个班级各30名大一学生参加了本项研究。

    The research involved 60 first-year undergraduate students ( Grade 2004 ) of Beijing Language and Culture University , 30 for each class .

  27. 亲爱的朋友,我来自中国,毕业于中山大学汉语言文学专业,一直在研究古代汉语。

    Dear friend , I come from China , graduated from zhongshan university Chinese literature , all the times has research ancient Chinese .

  28. 现行的汉语言文学教育专业课程设置存在着许多弊端,严重影响了新型师范人才的培养。

    There are many shortcomings in current curricular set_up ofChinese language education , which have effected the training of pedagogical personnels of new type .

  29. 绥化师专中文系汉语言文学教育专业是黑龙江省专科类学校重点专业。

    The language and Literature section of the chinese Department of Suihua Normal College is the major section of the colleges in HeiLongjiang province .

  30. 我的专业是英语,但我相信,我对英语文学的理解能对我在汉语言文学方面的研究多有助益。

    My major is English , but I believe that my understanding in English literature helps a lot in my research of Chinese literature .