
  • Qi and blood circulation;【医】QI-blood circulation
  1. 论十二经脉气血运行始自手太阴肺经

    Qi-blood of Twelve Meridians Beginning from Lung Channel of Hand Taiyin

  2. 经络中气血运行特征的放射性核素显像研究

    Approach to the characteristics of the movement of Qixue in meridians by means of radionuclide imaging

  3. 文章试就此问题的提出及十二经脉气血运行始自手太阴肺经的四个方面论述之。

    In this paper it has expounded the issue at this point through the four directions .

  4. 同时组织的漫射光强度分布数据还呈现有时间的周期性,暗合中医经络理论中的经络气血运行的时间特性。

    Meanwhile the intensities data of diffuse light presented temporal periodicity , surprisingly in accordance with temporal features of Qi-blood transportation and meridian running in Chinese meridian theory .

  5. 通过对瘀血病因的讨论,认识到其阻碍骨络气血运行是形成骨质疏松症的重要因素之一。

    The discussion about the stagnant blood , recognizing that its obstruction of qi and blood running in bone collaterals , and form of osteoporosis is one of the important factors .

  6. 比附自然界大小河流及调节水量的湖泊,来言说人体气血运行通道的所谓“经络学说”等等。

    In the theory of meridians and collaterals , the circulation of the blood and Qi is compared to the flow of water in the rivers and lakes in the natural world .

  7. 气体的输运是中医气血运行的重要方面,本文通过对呼吸&循环系统的分析建立了一个描述气体在体内运行的血液动力学模型。

    As the transportation of O 2 and CO 2 inside human body is an integrated aspect of Qi-blood transportation , a hemodynamic model is established based on the analysis of the respiratory and circulation system .

  8. 其发生主要是在正气不足基础上,感受风寒湿热之邪,闭阻于肌肉、经络、关节导致气血运行不畅而成。

    On the base of deficient right-Qi , the pathogenic wind , cold , wet , heat attack the human body , block muscle , channel and joints and cause stagnant movement of Qi and blood .

  9. 主治肝肾亏虚、气血运行不畅、血瘀停滞、脉络受阻等所致的腰腿疼痛的功效,是用于治疗腰间盘突出的纯中药制剂。

    Indications liver and kidney deficiency , blood running smooth , Blood stagnation , context lumbar and leg pain caused by blocked and so the effect is used to treat lumbar disc herniation of pure Chinese medicine .

  10. 指腰部感受外邪,或因劳伤,或由肾虚而引起气血运行失调,脉络绌急,腰府失养所致的以腰部一侧或两侧疼痛为主要症状的一类病证。

    Because of the injury , or kidney deficiency caused by the operation of qi and blood disorders , the sequence of tight way lumbar support by the House lost to the side or back pain on both sides of the main symptoms of a disease card .

  11. 中风病常见的痰、瘀、火、风等病理产物均由气机逆乱,气血津液运行失常所致。

    Such pathogenic products as phlegm , blood-stasis , fire and stagnation all result from qi-movement disturbance and qi-blood imbalance .

  12. 中医认为正常的情志活动有赖于气血的正常运行,气机不畅,必然导致情志郁结。

    TCM holds that normal sentiment qi activity depends on the normal operation , angry machine not free , inevitably led to stagnation sentiment .