
  • 网络gaseous disk
  1. 结合滤碱机在我厂实际生产中存在的一些问题,根据滤碱的结构原理,对它的固定错气盘及分配头进行了结构改进,收到了预期效果。Air(初三适用)

    According to soda filter 's construction principle and some problems of its use in our factory . Improving its fixed air section and allotment section and getting good function .

  2. 气盘孤立波及其对星系旋涡结构和Titius-Bode定则的说明

    On Gaseous Solitons of A Two Component Disks and An Explanation to Spiral Structure of Galaxy and The Titius-Bode Rule

  3. 运用气盘和缓慢加速星风的混合模型,计算了由Be星和中子星组成的双星系统的X射线光度的变化,与VO332+53的观测资料作了较好的拟合。

    A hybrid model consisting of a gas disc plus a slowly accelerating wind is used to calculate the X ray light curves in a Be and neutron star binary . The observational data of VO332 + 53 are coincident with some of them .

  4. 在年轻恒星周遭的气盘,外形各有不同。

    Around young stars , disks are found to range in shape .

  5. 例如,天文学家可利用红外辐射搜寻气盘。

    For example , astronomers can search for disks by their infrared radiation .

  6. 举例来说,新生的恒星四周会环绕著剩馀物质所构成的气盘。

    Newborn stars , for instance , are surrounded by disks of leftover material .

  7. 铣床加工配气盘的夹具研究设计

    Research and Design of the Jig for Processing Air Distribution Panel by a Miller

  8. 手帕纸折叠机大折叠辊配气盘的设计

    Design of the gas plant of folding roller on the folding machine of handkerchief sheet

  9. 因为落入的物质大多具有过多的角动量,所以会形成一个气盘。

    Since the in-falling material most likely has excess angular momentum , a disk will form .

  10. 虽然排斥说的确预言棕矮星的气盘应被截断,但被排斥逐出的矮星仍有可能保留著小型气盘。

    Whereas the ejection scenario does predict that brown dwarf disks should be truncated , it is still possible for ejected dwarfs to retain a small disk .

  11. 在相同年龄的年轻星团里,带有气盘的棕矮星比率,确实与带有气盘的恒星比率相当。

    Indeed , in a young cluster of a given age , the percentage of brown dwarfs with disks is comparable to the percentage of stars with disks .

  12. 另外有一个被哈伯推翻的猜测,是因为环绕恒星的气盘深藏在其母云气之中,所以无从窥其究竟。

    Another expectation , which Hubble overturned , was that the circumstellar disks would be deeply embedded within their parent clouds and would therefore be impossible to see .

  13. XST型气动分度盘的设计

    Design of XST Pneumatic Dial

  14. 气吸式穴盘播种器性能研究

    Properties of Air Suction Type Vegetable Seeder for Tray

  15. 十章,气冷却除湿盘,展盘描述新维护推荐。

    Cooling and Dehumidifying Coils , has expanded coil construction descriptions and new maintenance recommendations .

  16. 目前,国内农机市场缺少价格低、操作简单、效果好的气吸式穴盘播种机。

    At present , it is lack of air-suction plug seeder with low price , simple operation .

  17. 气吸式水稻钵盘精量播种装置的设计与试验研究

    Design and Experimental Study on Rice Precision Suction Seeder for Pot Seedling Nursery Box

  18. 装载机气顶油钳盘制动故障分析

    Failure analysis of braking of loader

  19. 你说的没错……而我妈还在气我们丢掉碗盘的事。

    You got that right ... and my mom 's still mad about what we did with the dishes .