
mín zú shēnɡ yuè
  • national vocal music
  1. 民族声乐教学中几个关系的处理

    A study of a few issues in national vocal music teaching

  2. 民族声乐风格单一化问题刍议

    The Study on the Simplifying of National Vocal Music 's Style

  3. 论中国民族声乐艺术之情、声、韵

    On the " Sentiment , Sound and Charm " of Chinese

  4. 略论民族声乐演唱中肢体语言的功能

    On the function of the body language in folk song singing

  5. 我国民族声乐的传承与发展

    Our Country the Race Vocal Music Spreads to Accept and Develop

  6. 金铁霖民族声乐教学体系中的几个美声因素

    Bel Canto Factors in Jin Tielin 's National Singing Teaching System

  7. 有关民族声乐理论及教学的几个问题

    On Some Problems for Theory and Teaching of National Vocal Music

  8. 我国的民族声乐是具有丰富音乐性的歌唱艺术。

    Chinese folk vocal was an art full of abundant musical singing .

  9. 蒙古族音乐资源丰厚,这是发展民族声乐的基础。

    The music of the Monggol nationality is rich in natural resources .

  10. 浅议民族声乐的训练方法

    On the Training Methods of Singers of National Vocal Music

  11. 对于民族声乐演唱者来说,演唱的风格性是至关重要的。

    For those folk song singing , the singing style is vital .

  12. 论民族声乐的演唱技巧及其教学

    On the skills and teaching of local songs - singing

  13. 浅谈民族声乐中语言的重要性

    A Tentative Discussion on the Importance of Language in National Vocal Music

  14. 论少数民族声乐演唱的艺术特征及发展

    According to Artistic Feature and Development of the Minority Vocal Music Singing

  15. 也是我国民族声乐教学艺术的拓荒者。

    She is also a pioneer in our ethnic vocal music teaching .

  16. 中华民族声乐艺术的发展,源远流长。

    Chinese nation vocal music art development , well-established .

  17. 第三章、现代民族声乐演唱。

    Chapter three : modern national vocal music singing .

  18. 中国民族声乐艺术的审美取向

    The Taste Tropism of the Chinese Nation Vocality Art

  19. 浅论中国民族声乐

    Discuss Lightly about " China National Vocal Music "

  20. 只有两者都具备时才有可能教出合格的民族声乐学生。

    Only both when they may teach the qualified national vocal music students .

  21. 当代中国民族声乐艺术的范畴及其主要美学特征

    The Scope of the Contemporary Chinese National Vocal Music and Its Aesthetic Features

  22. 科学唱法与中国民族声乐艺术发展诸问题刍议

    On " Scientific Singing " and Development Problems of Chinese National Vocal Art

  23. 中国民族声乐艺术风格的演变和发展

    The Evolution and Development of the Artistic Style of Chinese National Vocal Music

  24. 浅谈中国民族声乐的起源与历史发展

    On Origin and History Development of Chinese Folk Vocality

  25. 试论当今中国民族声乐的多元化发展

    Discussion Now Chinese Nationality Vocal Music Multiplex Development

  26. 王志信民族声乐作品演唱研究

    A Study on the Singing of Wang Zhi Xin 's National Vocal Music Works

  27. 谈民族声乐演唱中的语言因素

    On Linguistic Factors of Folk Vocal Music Singing

  28. 结语部分则是对王志信民族声乐作品创作与演唱特点的简要归纳以及对中国民族声乐事业的发展做出的展望。

    Epilogue is about the summary of wang zhi xin 's composition and singing .

  29. 浅谈民族声乐人才的培养

    Opinions on Training Talents of Ethnic Vocal Music

  30. 论近三十年创作歌曲对中国民族声乐发展的影响

    Research on Influence of Music Composition Towards Vocal Music during These Recent Thirty Years