
  • 网络Bijie;bijie city
  1. 基于GIS的毕节市岩溶山区乡村景观格局特征分析

    Analysis on Structure Characteristics of Rural Landscape Based on GIS in Karst Mountain Area of Bijie City

  2. 毕节市水土流失状况及生态环境建设途径探讨

    Soil Erosion Status and Ecological Environment Construction of Bijie City

  3. 毕节市土地利用总体规划修编问题的思考

    On the revision of the land use overall planning of Bijie

  4. 贵州省毕节市城区药物滥用调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of drug abuse in Bijie City of Guizhou Province

  5. 贵州省毕节市土地利用现状及空间格局分析

    A study on the land-use structure and areal economical development in Bijie city

  6. 毕节市社会经济发展与土地利用关系分析

    Study on the Relationship between Socio-Economic Development and Land Use in the Bijie City

  7. 毕节市2004&2008年13起野生蘑菇中毒调查

    Investigation of 13 Cases of Poisoning Caused by Wild Mushrooms in Bijie City during 2004-2008

  8. 毕节市城区初中生问题行为研究

    The Problem Study of Junior Students

  9. 毕节市小麦微机优化配方施肥数学模型初探

    A Mathematical Model of Computer Optimum Combination for Fertilizer Application of Wheat in Bijie of Guizhou

  10. 毕节市建立优质苎麻原料基地的可行性分析

    Analysis on feasibility of setting up a raw material base of superior quality ramie in Bijie

  11. 毕节市当地政府部门将设立救助中心帮助流浪街头的人们。

    Local authorities say relief centers will be set up to help people living on the streets .

  12. 毕节市政府称大约五分之一的学龄儿童独自生活在家。

    The Bijie government said that about one-tenth of the city 's school-age children live in homes without parents .

  13. 苗、汉杂居地区苗族学生低学业成就的原因分析&以毕节市观音桥办事处苗族教育为例

    Analysis of the Miao Ethnic Students ' Low Achievements in Learning in Areas Where the Miao and the Han Live Together

  14. 教育当局也将加大九年义务教育体制的落实,确保适龄儿童都能在学校接受教育,这也是这次毕节市整改工作的一部分。

    As part of the campaign , education authorities will also ensure those under the nine-year compulsory education system are where they should be .

  15. 毕节市人群乙肝感染状况及血氟含量检测某氟化学工业园区对周围人群健康的影响

    HBV infection and serum fluoride among healthy population in Bijie , Guizhou Influence of Fluoride Industrial Park on the Surrounding People 's Blood and Urine

  16. 贵州省毕节市五名男童死于垃圾箱后,当地有关部门启动新机制以帮助流浪儿童。

    Authorities in Bijie , Guizhou Province have launched a new initiative to help street children , after five boys were found dead in a dumpster .

  17. 警方称6月9日晚,在贵州省毕节市田坎乡,四兄妹在家中自杀。

    Police say that four children committed suicide together on the night of June 9 in their home in Tiankan , in the Guizhou Province city of Bijie .

  18. 贫困问题不仅仅是毕节市农村发展面临的首要问题,也是贵州省乃至全国、全世界都面临的一个严峻问题。

    Poverty is not only a primary problem for the rural development of Bijie City , but also a severe problem for Guizhou Province even for the whole world .

  19. 毕节市当前正处在快速工业化和城镇化的发展阶段,资源、环境与发展的矛盾尤为突出。

    As small inland city , Bijie is in the stage of rapid industrialization and urbanization whereas the contradiction between resources , environment and development has been particularly outstanding in recent years .

  20. 毕节市土地利用中存在的主要问题包括:土地资源利用粗放;土地利用结构不合理;非农业建设用地利用率不高;土地资源承载力和质量下降。

    · Main problems in Bijie land utilization include : extensive use of land resources ; irrational land use structure ; low non-agricultural construction land use capacity ; decline in land carrying capacity and land quality .

  21. 据统计,2010年毕节市农村的贫困人口15.05万,古总人口的10.6%,主要集中在偏远、交通不便的高海拔山区。

    According to statistics , there are 0.15 million poor people in Bijie in 2010 , which are 10.6 % of the total population . They mainly distribute in high-altitude area which are remote and traffic inconvenience .

  22. 正确把握毕节市经济社会发展状况、趋势,以及经济社会发展与土地利用的关系,是编制毕节市土地利用总体规划的前提和基础也为合理安排各类用地提供科学依据。

    Land is the most important factor for economic-social development . Correctly understand the status and trends of economic-social development and their relationship with land use are the promise and foundation for the general land use planning of Bijie City .

  23. 方法1992~1999年对毕节市农村已婚育龄妇女进行妇幼卫生健康教育干预研究。

    Methods Health educational intervention of maternity and child health care was carried out on rural married women in Bijie city from 1992 to 1999 . Results Health educational intervention was effective in health education of disinfectant delivering a child .