
  • 网络Comparative law;Comparative Jurisprudence
  1. 论善意取得制度本文系一篇从法理学和比较法学的角度对票据权利善意取得制度进行研究的文章。

    This paper discusses the Bona Fide Possession of Bill Rights by use of nomology and comparative jurisprudence .

  2. 运用比较法学的方法,介绍了各国人身保险利益的立法体例。

    With the comparative jurisprudence , the text introduces the legislative style of the life insurance interest of various countries .

  3. 这一点看起来还不错,该校的法律学院是中国以及比较法学和WTO法以及纠纷解决中心。

    The School of Law is home to the Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law and to the WTO Law and Dispute Resolution Centre .

  4. 沈家本:中国近代比较法学的开拓者

    Shen Jiaben : The Pioneer of Chinese Modern Comparative Law

  5. 再次,运用比较法学的方法对国外成熟的破产撤销权的相关规定进行比较分析,并从中获得有助于解决我国相关问题的启示。

    Again , analysis of overseas mature relevant provision , solve our problems .

  6. 中国民法典的编纂与比较法学

    The Compilation of Chinese Civil Law and Comparative Law

  7. 论文主要采用比较法学的方法进行论述。

    The thesis mainly takes the method of comparing .

  8. 比较法学与近现代中国法制之命运

    Comparative Law and Destiny of Contemporary Chinese Legal System

  9. 法系是比较法学的基础概念。

    Genealogy is a basic concept of comparative law .

  10. 在文章的第三部分,作者运用比较法学的研究方法考察了域外的预断排除原则。

    The third section of the article review oversea doctrine of exclusion of prejudgment .

  11. 比较法学中的社会背景分析法

    Analytics of Social Background in Comparative Law

  12. 本文主要是采用法社会学、比较法学等方法对慈善组织的监督制度进行研究。

    This paper studies such problems by adopting the methods of law sociology and comparative law .

  13. 本文综合运用法解释学、比较法学、历史分析和实证分析等多学科的研究方法,剖析了医疗法律关系本质是医疗合同关系,继而研究了医疗纠纷的责任承担。

    This article makes an analysis on the essence and liability of the medical legal relationship .

  14. 随着比较法学的发展,混合法律体系、混合法域开始进入学者们的研究范畴。

    With the development of comparative law , mixed legal system and mixed jurisdiction entered scholars'research category .

  15. 文章采用比较法学的研究方法,对现代各国产品责任法律制度中的警示缺陷进行了分析和比较。

    This paper makes a comparative study of the legal systems of product liability in many countries .

  16. 德国比较法学纵论

    On German Comparative Law

  17. 本文运用了比较法学与法经济学分析方法来探讨排污权交易制度。

    This article utilizes the comparative law and the law economic analysis method to explore emission trading system .

  18. 本文以股份有限公司的监事法律制度为主要研究对象,运用实证的、历史的和比较法学的研究方法进行分析和比较研究。

    This thesis studies stock limited company supervisor system by empirical , historical as well as comparative law methods .

  19. 在第三章证据关联性采纳规则部分,笔者主要运用比较法学的研究方法,介绍并分析了关联性采纳规则的体系以及立法内容。

    The author introduces and analyzes the system of admissibility rule and legislation contents by adopting the method of comparative law .

  20. 文章运用比较法学、法社会学及经济学的研究方法,通过对美国公司董事商业决策权的制约与保护机制进行分析研究,提出完善我国公司法的建议。

    The main methodologies used in this thesis include Comparative Legal analysis , Sociological Analysis of Law as well as Economic Analysis .

  21. 我们为学生所做的事情就是启发他们如何用比较法学英语。

    All that we have to do for our students is to suggest how they can learn English by the comparative method .

  22. 从20世纪90年代开始,研究和起草一部《欧洲民法典》便成为欧洲私法学者和比较法学者的一项重大课题。

    From 1990s , to study and draft out a European Civil Code has become the hot issue of the European scholars .

  23. 本文运用比较法学等多种研究方法,对公司设立登记法律制度相关问题进行研究和分析。

    This thesis adopts various approaches including comparative law to study and analyze legal system of company establishing registration and relevant questions .

  24. 本文主要采用比较法学的研究方法,对具有代表性的国家的非婚同居法律制度进行阐释、梳理和比较分析。

    In this dissertation the author , by taking comparative approach , studies on the law of nonmarital cohabitation in typical countries .

  25. 当前,我国鲜有专门的文献从财产归属的角度对非婚同居问题进行研究,鉴于此,笔者采取比较法学的研究方法,对具有代表性的国家的非婚同居财产归属进行阐释、比较和分析。

    Therefore , the author studies the law of ownership of property of non-marital cohabitation in typical countries by taking the comparative approach .

  26. 本文运用历史分析和比较法学的研究方法,对动产质押、权利质押、营业质权等进行了较细致的分析与探讨。

    The Article is based on the research method of history and comparative law , Which makes a comprehensive and profound analysis on pledge .

  27. 近现代中国法制发展曲折徘徊之时,也是比较法学低谷沉默之时。

    When the development of the contemporary Chinese legal system was retarded is just when the study of comparative law was at its low ebb .

  28. 本文使用了分析法学、比较法学和法经济学等多种方法,第一次对过失客观化这一问题做了全面、深入的分析。

    The dissertation firstly makes a comprehensive and further analysis of negligence objectifying , adopting the ways of analytical jurisprudence , comparative jurisprudence and juridical economics .

  29. 本文以法理学、比较法学以及法经济学作为研究方法,以制度的公平与效率价值为核心,对该制度的不足之处进行分析,提出了完善我国动产抵押公示制度的些许想法和建议。

    This thesis use jurisprudence , comparative law and economics as research methods , and the value of equity and efficiency of the system as the core .

  30. 通过比较法学的研究,可以发现域外相似制度的相同点与不同点,以及更合理的制度。

    Through the research of comparative law , similar to the system can be found in the same extra-territorial and differences , and a more rational system .