
  • 网络Biscayne Bay;Key Biscayne
  1. 今年的会议在佛罗里达、迈阿密、比斯坎湾将建立于去年的成功,并进一步扩大计划的产品及服务。

    This year 's meeting in Key Biscayne , Miami , Florida will build on the successes of last year , and further expand the program 's offerings .

  2. 你一定要穿过比斯坎湾(BiscayneBay),去看看小海地以及它南侧的温伍德艺术社区(Wynwood,由工业区改造而成)。

    Be sure to cross Biscayne Bay to explore Little Haiti and the once-industrial Wynwood neighborhood to its south .

  3. 你知道吗,就是比斯坎湾那的那座剧院?

    You know , that theater down on biscayne ?

  4. 美国海岸警卫队周一早上收到报告,称比斯坎湾有一只翻倒的木筏。

    US Coast Guard received reports of an overturned raft in Biscayne Bay Monday morning .

  5. 美国国家公园管理局计划出台政策限制在迈阿密海湾附近的比斯坎湾国家公园里的商业捕鱼行为。

    And the National Park Service is proposing a ban on commercial fishing in Biscayne Bay National Park off the coast of Miami .

  6. 除了四季酒店,其他令人印象深刻的摩天大楼还包括:764英尺的美联金融中心,712英尺的900比斯坎湾酒店,以及679英尺的迈阿密侯爵酒店。

    Other impressive skyscrapers include the Wachovia Financial Center at 764 feet , 900 Biscayne Bay at 712 feet , and the Marquis at 679 feet .