
  • 网络bhil;Bhils
  1. 约翰和比尔两人跑到500米时还不分上下,但过了500米后,约翰便慢慢地把比尔甩到后面去了。

    The two were neck and neck up till the500-metre mark , but after that John began to draw away from bill .

  2. 比尔找人帮忙的时候我们都不在。

    None of us were available when Bill asked for help .

  3. 据我看,比尔这个人还不赖,不过有时候太狂妄自大了。

    Bill 's all right , I guess , but sometimes he 's such a wise guy .

  4. 让我们来试想一下,假设有一个叫比尔的人,身高五英尺九寸。

    Consider this . A certain person , let 's call him Bill , is 5 '9 " tall .

  5. 挨着比尔的那个人是谁?

    Who 's the man next to Bill ?

  6. 但总得有人准备晚餐。比尔盼望这个人是简。

    But someone has to fix dinner and Bill expects that to be Jane .

  7. 南施是比尔心爱的人。

    Nancy is bill 's sweetiepie .

  8. 这恰恰也是简希望做的事。但总得有人准备晚餐。比尔盼望这个人是简。

    This is exactly what Jane feels like doing , but someone has to fix dinner and Bill expects it to be Jane .

  9. 因此,如果你想表达,比尔打了人,而约翰被打了,就要说“比尔约翰打了”

    So , you would say , if you wanted to convey that bill was the hitter and John was hit ," Bill John hit . "

  10. 比尔:有多少人参加?

    Bill : How many people participated in it ?

  11. 维克和比尔都是吃人不吐骨头的。

    Vic Cavanaugh and bill guerrard eat guys like you for lunch .

  12. 比尔和鲍勃两人把工作平分了。

    Bill and BoB shared the work equally Between them .

  13. 比尔旁边的那个人在用西班牙语说话。

    The man next to Bill was talking to him in Spanish .

  14. 比尔的同代人,即使是在那个年龄,都能看出他的与众不同。

    Bill 's contemporaries , even at the age , recognized that he was exceptional .

  15. 一个又高又瘦、身穿水牛城比尔队外套的人走过来迎接我们。

    A tall , thin man with a Buffalo Bills jacket came out to greet us .

  16. 比尔:坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。

    Bill : It takes a strong man to save himself , and a great man to save another .

  17. 在红迪网举办的神秘圣诞老人互动活动中,一名网友惊讶的发现,她的神秘圣诞老人比尔居然是比尔·盖茨本人。瑞秋在红迪网上写道,我觉得比尔这个名字让人感觉此人十分友善。

    One Reddit user got a shock when she found out the Bill assigned to her via the website 's Secret Santa was actually Bill Gates . I thought Bill sounded like a friendly fellow , Rachel said on Reddit .