
bǐ shi
  • have a competition;compete;emulate;match;flourish;imitate;copy
比试 [bǐ shì]
  • (1) [compete;emulate;match;have a competition]∶较量高下

  • 不信,咱们比试比试

  • (2) [flourish;imitate]∶舞动

  • 拿长枪比试

  • (3) [copy;imitate]∶模仿某种动作姿势

  • 他把花布围在腰上,比试起来

比试[bǐ shi]
  1. 王平:就是不要太明显,要暗暗比试的意思。

    Wang Ping : It means not to be too apparent and have a competition secretly .

  2. 他们甚至可能曾经相互比试过,只不过不是经常性的。

    They may even have raced each other — but not regularly .

  3. 不信咱俩比试比试。

    If you don 't believe me , let 's have a competition and see .

  4. 捕快心生一计,对强盗说:“县尉来了,你我都是英雄,你敢同我一起在县尉的马前比试吗?”强盗从不将官军放在眼里,一口答应下来。

    A stratagem2 occurred to the bailiff . He said to the robber , " The xianwei is here , both of us are outstanding people . Do you dare to have a fight with me before the xianwei ? " The robber never gave a damn to the government soldiers . He agreed to the proposal without any hesitation3 .

  5. 我更愿意看到你在剑术比试里获胜。

    I 'd wanted to see you win the sword fight .

  6. 你是在跟公牛比试,你会尝到厉害的。

    You mess with the bull , you gonna get the horns .

  7. 比试画图的话,我不是她的对手。

    I 'm no match for her when it comes to painting .

  8. 他向我挑战,要和我比试辩论。

    sperm challenge He challenged me to a debate .

  9. 为此美国总统决定让他们比试一下。

    The president decides to give them a test .

  10. 这次小比试的目的,是加强组织凝聚力

    The point of these little gladiatorial distractions is to strengthen unit cohesion .

  11. 如果我们用击剑比试的话,那他就麻烦打了。

    If we were fencing , he would 've been in serious trouble .

  12. 事故发生时孩子们正在铁轨上比试胆量。

    The kids were playing chicken on the railway track when the accident happened .

  13. 我听说你和杜军比试了。

    I heard you fought with Jong du .

  14. 当然,我们比试的是巫师的法力,不是膂力有多大!

    Well , it 's magus power we value here , not hoarse power !

  15. 离开长的小把剪比试而且解救他们比较好。

    It 's better to lop off long wisps than to try and save them .

  16. 威廉要和我比试一下落袋撞球游戏,但我一下子就将他击败了。

    William challenged me to a game of snooker but I soon saw him off .

  17. 让我与你比试比试。

    Just let me come at you !

  18. 你要是喜欢、就和你的人类同胞去比试,却千万不要和女神争高低。

    Challenge your fellow-mortals as you will , but do not compete with a goddess .

  19. 我很高兴咱们有机会比试,太有意思了!

    I 'm glad we got the chance to spar . It was a blast !

  20. 武术比试的社会学分析

    Sociological Analysis on the Wushu Competition

  21. 两人拿长枪一比试,便打了起来。

    With a flourish of their spears , the two men started sparring with each other .

  22. 游戏介绍:飞镖你不可能没玩过,是高手吗?来比试吧!

    You can t never played the game on : darts , is a master ? To try !

  23. 为了他们的朋友,黄泽民和李小龙同意比试一场。

    For the sake of their pal , Wong and Lee agree to test each other in battle .

  24. 如果卡莱尔田径队就只有大个子一人,那他就得和整个拉斐德田径队比试高低了。

    If this big fellow was the whole Carlisle track team , he would be competing against an entire Lafayette squad .

  25. 洛奇是当地一名贫穷的拳击手,因与世界重量级冠军阿波罗·祈利比试而崭露头角。

    As a poor local boxer , Rocky gets his break when he enters a fight with World Heavyweight Champion Apollo Creed .

  26. 只有上次我们比试的那个角落还留下些痕迹,足以证明那位少年绅士确有其人。

    Only in the corner where the combat had taken place , could I detect any evidence of the young gentleman 's existence .

  27. 老菲比试了大概二十双鞋,每试一双,那个可怜的家伙就得把鞋上的带子全穿好。

    Old Phoebe tried on about twenty pairs , and each time the poor guy had to lace one shoe all the way up .

  28. 当设计债十分严重时,重写代码的出问题部分,要比试着修复它更快,风险性更小。

    When design debt is extreme , it is often faster and less risky to rewrite the debt-ridden body of code than to attempt to improve it .

  29. 每年成都都要举行各种美食盛会,人们欢天喜地汇聚在一起,比试厨艺,竞技趣味,品尝各种各样的川菜小吃。

    Each year , Chengdu hosts various food festivals , which provide a stage for people to demonstrate cooking skills and savour all kinds of dishes and snacks .

  30. 后来你穿州过府,风尘仆仆地和社会、和政治、和大自然、和那么多复杂的人往来比试。

    Later , you passed through town after town , getting to know and measuring yourself against society , politics , nature , and a great many complex personalities .