
  1. 酒驾、毒驾等违法行为

    illegal acts such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

  2. 将毒驾入刑有利于遏止毒驾的即遂状态由抽象危险犯向实际结果犯转变。

    Thus the indrawing of drug driving in Criminal Law is beneficial to deter altering of drug driving state from the abstract dangerous crime to actual crime .

  3. 但是由于危险驾驶行为的外延过于狭窄,如危害性甚于醉驾的毒驾行为并没有认定为危险驾驶行为。

    However , due to the extension of dangerous driving behavior is too narrow , such as that drug driving , more harmful than drunk driving behavior , is not regarded as dangerous driving behavior .