
  • 网络Death cycle;Death Loop
  1. 另一方面,丧失抵押品赎回权的成本,意味着对于这类陷入死亡循环的房产,贷款方也无意在挽回其价值方面进行任何尝试。

    Meanwhile , the costs of foreclosure mean lenders have little incentive to try to recover any value from a house in this kind of death spiral .

  2. 生命和死亡循环发生,“塔比提说”只有当巨大的损失和巨大的痛苦同时发生时,才能获得这样的能量。

    Life and death occur in cycles ," tabiti said . " only when great loss and great gain happen at the same time can such power be maintained .

  3. 整个出生与死亡的循环是这移动的一部分。

    The whole birth-death cycle is part of this movement .

  4. 超声多普勒诊断脑死亡中脑循环骤停:我们需要检测颈动脉吗?

    Diagnosis of Cerebral Circulatory Arrest by Doppler Ultrasound in Brain Death : Do We Need the Cervical Arteries ?

  5. 对新型旅游发展方式和旅游市场内涵及产生条件进行了论述。力图从文明历史的诞生、成熟到死亡的循环过程中,寻求未来旅游发展的出路。

    This paper expatiates on the developing modes of new tourism and the connotations and conditions of occurrence of tourist market , trying to find the way to the future tourism development from the circulating process of the birth , maturity and death of civilization history .

  6. 心中始终打不发生死亡造成血液循环不良,甚至。

    Hearts that don 't beat consistently can occur resulting in poor circulation and even death .

  7. 病理性死亡原因中循环系统疾病居首位,非病理性死亡原因中脑血管意外居首位;

    In pathological death , the diseases of circulatory systems hold the first place , and in non-pathological death , the suddenness of a cerebral blood vessel holds the first place .

  8. 他认为自己对神奇的生命了解越来越多,了解了人类从出生到成熟最终死亡的生命周期循环。

    He thinks he 's really getting to the mystery of life , the cyclical nature of birth , maturity and death .

  9. 例如,佛教徒可能认为,她甚至不想重生,她的最高目标是让自己摆脱死亡与重生的循环。

    For example , a Buddhist may claim that she does not even want to be reborn , that her highest goal is to liberate herself from the cycle of death and rebirth .

  10. 爬山时,我在底下看到了为两位涅盘者设立的纪念碑,那两位瑜珈修行者让人把自己给活埋了,从而脱离了肉身,也脱离了死亡和重生的循环。

    On the way up , at its base , are monuments to two jeeva samadhis , yogis who had themselves buried alive , leaving behind their material bodies and the cycle of death and rebirth .

  11. 所以在文章中,我们不认为是顺理成章的,如果想终止性,分娩,死亡,腐烂的循环,对人类来说,最容易着手终止的是在性上,打破循环。

    And that 's why in these text & it 's not intuitive to us , that if you want to stop that cycle of sex , birth , death , and decay the easiest place for human beings to stop it is at sex Just break the cycle .

  12. [结果]8年间老年人死亡占全区死亡人数的84.59%,位于前五位死亡的分别为循环系病,肿瘤,呼吸系病,损伤中毒,糖尿病。

    [ Results ] The mortality of the aged accounted for 84.59 % of the total deaths during the past 8 years . The first 5 causes of death were diseases of circulatory system , tumor , respiratory system diseases , injury and diabetes .