
  • 网络Wuhan Battle;Battle of Wuhan
  1. 第四、论述武汉会战中,日方空中作战情况。

    Fourth , this paper discusses the Japanese side in air combat of the Wuhan Battle .

  2. 武汉会战开始后,报纸上刊登了第六师团等部队进攻武汉的情况。

    Some newspapers published the situations of the Sixth division and other units in the Wuhan battle .

  3. 总而言之武汉会战成为了日方作战方案的一个转折点,即从占领要地并让中国投降的速战速决方案转变为进行长期、持久战的作战方案。

    All in all the Wuhan Battle become a turning point of the Japan . The strategy transferred from defeating Chinese army and occupation to make Chinese government surrender into long-term , protracted battle .