
  • 网络Glory and Dream;The Glory and the Dream
  1. 你是我所有的光荣与梦想。

    You are my all glory and dream .

  2. 六十年,承载了中华儿女无数的光荣与梦想;

    Sixty years on , carries numerous sons and daughters of the glory and dream ;

  3. 特别是自我国加入WTO以后,我国船代企业的数量增幅很大。入围500大:中国企业的光荣与梦想

    The quantity of vessel - agency enterprises increased obviously after China 's entry into WTO . Entry into Fortune 500

  4. 不停的向别人倾诉自己人生的光荣与梦想。

    Tell people about your and your life .

  5. 光荣与梦想之间&记浙江丝绸工学院建校100周年

    Between Glory and Dream & Centennial Celebration for China 's First Silk and Worm Academy

  6. 载着屈辱与抗争、光荣与梦想,历史的车轮驶入新的世纪。

    Carrying abasement and make a stand against , glory and earnest wish , historical wheel sails new century .

  7. 尽管一切都是虚拟的,吕洋却曾经坚信她找到了一条通向光荣与梦想的金光大道。

    Although everything is virtual , Lu Yang once believed that she could find a golden road to glory and dreams .

  8. 作为大学生就业问题不仅关系到大学生个人前程,更关系到家庭的切身利益,千百万个毕业生关系到千百万个家庭的光荣与梦想,最终也会影响到和谐社会的构建。

    As college students , employment problem is not only related to thestudents ' future , but also related to the vital interests of the family .

  9. 在学院喜迎组建十周年的美好时刻,我十分高兴和大家共同分享学院的光荣与梦想。

    At the time of the tenth anniversary of our school , I am very glad to share the glory and dream of our school with all of you .