
  • Front welding;face up bonding
  1. 翼板(wingplate)、腹板(web)对接焊缝正面焊接后,反面要求碳弧气刨清根;

    Carbon arc air gouging is required for the reverse side of butt weld of the wing plate and the web .

  2. 基于正面焊接多信息融合的GMAW熔透控制

    Penetration Control of GMAW Based on Multi-informational Fusion from the Front Surface

  3. 焊前只需用具有一定粘度的湿泥沙抹平背面的坡口,稍经干燥成形后即可在正面焊接第1道打底焊道。

    It is needed to plaster the sand mould that has a certain stickiness and humidity on one groove face before welding , when it has been dried up slightly , the welding of the backing can be started on another groove face .

  4. 本文在对采用CCD摄象机正面拍摄焊接区图象并用微机进行图象处理,以及对视觉跟踪采用实时控制的必要性分析的基础上,通过实验建立了一个实用的机器人CO2保护焊自适应控制系统。

    This paper first expounds the necessity of applying real-time control in the vision sensing and tracking system of robot welding , and then analyses the difficulties of welding image processing . Finally , through experiments , a practical robot CO_2 are adaptive feedback tracking system is established .