
  • 网络The Call for Justice;Boomerang
  1. 孔子说:“品德修养不能长期坚持,学习不能持之以恒,听到正义的呼声不能伸张,不好的行为不能改正,这些都是我深深感到忧虑的。”

    Confucius said : " Virtue not cultivated , learning not expounded , not able to uphold righteousness when the situation arise , not able to correct what is wrong , these are conduct that worries me . "

  2. 但是他们对于这种正义和血缘的呼声,也同样充耳不闻。

    They too have been deaf to the voce of justice and of consanguinity .

  3. 可他们对这种正义和同宗的呼声也同样充耳不闻。

    They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity .