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ōu yáng
  • Ouyang;a surname
欧阳 [ōu yáng]
  • [surname]--复姓

欧阳[ōu yáng]
  1. 不过耶利米•欧阳近日在科技博客Mashable的一篇文章中警告称,一旦这个沟通渠道失去了真实性,它们可能会褪变成“另一个过度品牌化的企业媒体”,失去最初的吸引力。

    When authenticity leaves the room , Owyang warns in a recent Mashable article , these channels may become " yet another over-branded corporate medium , " losing their primary appeal .

  2. 关于科学地评论教育实验论文的思考&兼评欧阳敬孝违背客观事实的评论

    How to Review a Research Paper on Educational Experiment scientifically

  3. 欧阳斯迪说:我几乎快哭出来了。从那以后,一切都变得越来越好。

    I almost cried . From then on , everything became better , says Ouyang .

  4. 谈起这些存在的暗在危机,欧阳不无忧虑。

    These exist in the dark about the crisis , Ouyang are not without worries .

  5. 欧阳竟无及其佛教哲学思想

    Ouyang Jingwu and His Buddhist Philosophy

  6. 尽管这是笔不小的数目,但结果却差强人意。只有30人报名参加,所以我们不得不多次降价,欧阳斯迪说。

    Only 30 people signed up , so we reduced the price several times , says Ouyang .

  7. 而且在路上欧阳还不小心用手摸了它好几次,真是哭笑的得!

    But the road to Ouyang not touch it with their hands several times , it 's a mess !

  8. 由于目前欧元区边缘国家的形势最为严峻,欧阳央行必须对这些国家的国债照单全收。

    And since conditions are tightest in the peripheral economies , the ECB will have to buy their bonds disproportionately .

  9. 欧阳斯迪和王京生发现这群充满热情与活力的学生志愿者经常会灵感迸发,善于团队协作。

    Ouyang and Wang found that the passionate and energetic student volunteers were full of inspiration and made a good team .

  10. 总是全力以赴、任劳任怨,欧阳老师是一个忠诚的朋友和事业最佳搭档。

    Always willing to push himself just a little bit harder , he was a reliable business partner and faithful friend .

  11. 欧阳自远在北京国际天文馆学会大会开幕式上介绍了此次探测任务的时间计划。

    Ouyang was speaking at the International Planetarium Society Conference in Beijing , during which he gave time schedules for the mission .

  12. 欧阳斯迪说:我们眼中的天是灰色的,找不到任何出路,十分沮丧。

    The sky was gray for us . We couldn 't find a way out . It was very frustrating , says Ouyang .

  13. 之前也跟湖南台的欧阳台长以及星光国际的同事进行过沟通,大家都表示了理解。

    We also communicated with President Ouyang of HunanTV and the staff at Starlight International beforehand , and everyone was understanding to the circumstances .

  14. 自2009年公司成立以来,欧阳想出了许多他自认为很有趣的点子,但没有客户愿意采纳。

    After founding the company in 2009 , Ouyang had many ideas that he thought were interesting , but no clients picked up on them .

  15. 欧阳修死后葬于开封新郑(今河南新郑),新郑市辛店镇欧阳寺村现有欧阳修陵园,是国家级文物保护单位。

    Xinzheng Xiu buried in Kaifeng ( Henan Xinzheng ), Xinzheng City XinDian Ouyang Xiu Village existing cemetery , is a national heritage conservation units .

  16. 几乎所有家庭的姓都是一个音节,常见的两个音节的姓有欧阳、司马等。

    Nearly always the family name ( surname ) is one-syllable long . The only com-mon modern surnames that are two-syllables long are ouyang and Sma .

  17. 据悉,欧阳正爱大哥和王玉京女士经过有缘的相碰,已经撞出火花终成眷属了!

    It is reported that Ouyang is love Big Brother and Miss Wang Yujing been destined to collide , sparks have been knocked out to get married !

  18. 有些中国人有复姓,也就是由两个字组成的姓,例如:司徒、欧阳、南宫等。

    Some Chinese people have compound surnames , which come from the combination of two characters , such as Si Tu , Ou Yang , Nan Gong etc.

  19. 中国月球探测工程首席科学家欧阳自远透露,火星计划主要目的在于,在这颗红色星球上建立中国的空间探测器。

    Ouyang Ziyuan , chief scientist of the country 's lunar project , said the Mars programme will focus on creating space probes on the red planet .

  20. 建立了两个新的时滞积分不等式,并讨论了与欧阳不等式的关系,最后给出了不等式的应用,研究了一类时滞积分方程解的有界性。

    The authors present two retarded versions of integral inequality , which can be used to ensure the boundness of solution to certain integral equation with time delay .

  21. 关于枕头大战这个想法,欧阳斯迪的预估是这样的:邀请300人前来参加、每人收取200元,这样就能赚到6万元。

    For his pillow fight idea , Ouyang 's calculation was as follows : Inviting 300 people and charging them 200 yuan each equals 60,000 yuan in income .

  22. 关于“枕头大战”这个想法,欧阳斯迪的预估是这样的:邀请300人前来参加、每人收取200元,这样就能赚到6万元。

    For his pillow fight idea , Ouyang 's calculation was as follows : Inviting 300 people and charging them 200 yuan each equals 60000 yuan in income .

  23. 还有向欧阳道歉那天晚上真的喝多了,让你帮我洗衣服真的不好意思,我相信欧阳是最棒的。

    Also had to Ouyang apologizes that evening really to drink have been many , let you help me to do laundry really embarrassedly , I believed Ouyang was best .

  24. 与欧阳独离的生活经历同步,其恶剧意识也经历了三个发展阶段,即悲剧意识的萌生、恶剧意识的发展和悲剧思想的形成。

    Synchronous with the hero 's life experience , his tragic idea also had experienced three growing steps : immature tragic idea , development of tragic idea and formation of tragic idea .

  25. 欧阳自远称,火星计划另外一个重要目标是,探测地球以外的太阳系,并将其它类地行星的起源与太阳系的形成相比较。

    Ouyang said another important goal of the Mars mission was to detect solar systems beyond Earth 's reach and to compare the origins of earth-like planets with the formation of the solar system .

  26. 其中一位姓欧阳的女生在接受《环球时报》采访时表示,学校之所以拒绝向她们颁发证书,是因她们六月份的公开求婚“违反了相关规定”。

    The university refused to give the lesbian couple diplomas because their public proposal in June had " violated certain regulations , " one of the women , surnamed Ouyang , confirmed with the Global Times .

  27. 欧阳同学表示,虽然她们已经收到了毕业证,但学校的所作所为对她们造成的精神和感情伤害无法抹去,而且学校尚未向她们表示道歉。

    Ouyang said that although the two have now received their diplomas , the mental and emotional harm caused by the university 's actions cannot be erased , and the university has not given any apology as requested .