
  • 网络efsf;ESM;efsm
  1. 人们对于欧洲金融稳定机制赎回主权债务的价格还存在争议,但是大部分认为该价格会向当前已然低于面值的市场价看齐。

    The price at which the EFSF would pay for the debt is controversial , but most see it paying the current market price for the bonds , which is below face value .

  2. 赎回之后,欧洲金融稳定机制将不再计较债券的价格差额,并最终削减周边国家的债务,藉此让他们赢得喘息之机。

    The EFSF would then forgive the difference in the value of those bonds , essentially giving the peripheral nations a haircut on their debt , allowing them time to get back on their feet .

  3. 修订后的欧洲金融稳定机制(EFSF)可以代替欧洲中央银行(ECB)购买希腊的债券,但很快便会碰到与芬兰要求希腊提供债券抵押同样的问题。

    The revamped EFSF may then be able to take up the bond-buying task from the ECB and a problem may be found to the problem of Finland 's demand for collateral .

  4. 欧元区的金融援助基金欧洲金融稳定机制(EFSF)必须尽快向欧洲的银行注入资本。

    The European Financial Stability Facility ( EFSF ), the euro zone 's bail-out fund , must carry out simultaneous injections of capital into the region 's banks as soon as it can .

  5. 但是,让欧洲金融稳定机制(efsf)贷款给西班牙银行资本重组基金(按西班牙语称为frob)的构想,无法通过这一测试。

    But the idea for the European financial stability facility to lend money to the Spanish bank recapitalisation fund , known by its Spanish initials frob , does not meet this test .

  6. 如果需要进行资本重组,欧洲金融稳定机制将被用作工具。

    The ESM would be the tool used if recapitalisation were to be required .

  7. 但是欧洲金融稳定机制买的是不良主权债务,不是问题银行的不良抵押资产。

    But instead of buying bad mortgages off the books of crippled banks , the EFSF would buy bad sovereign paper .

  8. 欧洲金融稳定机制只有在其理事会一致同意改变规则的情况下,才能够直接给银行提供贷款,而德国反对这么做。

    The ESM could only lend directly to banks if its board were to agree unanimously to change the rules , which is opposed by Berlin .