
  • 网络Euro Fund;FXE
  1. 而最大的难以执行的阻碍,是如何提升欧元脱困基金的实力。

    The biggest hurdle is boosting the firepower of the EU 's bailout fund .

  2. 另外还有一项为银行向企业放贷提供担保的1000亿欧元的基金。

    There is also to be a100 billion euro fund to guarantee bank loans to business .

  3. 这使得欧洲人设立5000亿欧元救助基金的时间表得以前移,他们希望这个基金能稳定债券市场。

    This has allowed the Europeans to move up the time-table to launch their 500 billion euro bailout fund , which they hope will bring stability to the debt markets .

  4. 美国财长盖特纳也参加了此次会议,他呼吁增加欧元救助基金,但是该请求被否决。

    The gathering was attended by the US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner , who called for the euro 's rescue fund to be increased , a plea that was rejected .

  5. 欧盟委员会(europeancommission)已谨慎提议,在动用欧元区纾困基金向私营银行注资前,先由各成员国自行补偿这些银行的损失。

    The European Commission has discreetly proposed to have member states make good the losses of private banks before they are recapitalised with eurozone rescue funds .

  6. 他们不遗余力地诋毁主权cds,必然会让投资者对其使用欧元区纾困基金为问题主权债务提供担保的计划产生更大的怀疑。

    Their active subversion of sovereign CDs must be feeding investor scepticism of their plan to use the eurozone rescue fund for insurance of troubled sovereign debt .

  7. 据参与谈判的官员们介绍,法国主张进行全方位的援助,包括由欧洲央行(ECB)购买意大利和西班牙债券,以补充欧元区纾困基金&欧洲金融稳定安排(EFSF)的行动。

    According to officials involved in the talks , Paris was pushing for wide-ranging help that included purchases of Italian and Spanish debt by the European Central Bank in addition to action by the eurozone rescue fund , known as the European Financial Stability Facility .

  8. 但是她也采取行动限制了人们对扩大欧元区救助基金的猜测。

    But she also moved to about a larger eurozone bailout fund .

  9. 对于一个最高可提供5000亿欧元贷款的基金而言,这应该足够了。

    This should be sufficient for a fund with a lending ceiling of € 500bn .

  10. 上月出炉的万众期待的欧元区援助基金尚未发挥任何杠杆作用。

    The much-ballyhooed leveraging of the euro-zone rescue fund agreed on in October is going nowhere .

  11. 就欧元区救助基金以优惠条款发放贷款而言,此举意味着又一场隐性转移。

    To the extent that the eurozone rescue funds make loans on concessionary terms , this entails another implicit transfer .

  12. 银行业人士警告称,欧元区纾困基金本周按计划发行一只旨在为纾困爱尔兰筹集资金的债券时,可能遭遇需求低迷。

    Bankers warn the eurozone rescue fund may meet lacklustre demand this week for a planned bond issue designed to finance the bail-out of Ireland .

  13. 而且尽管欧洲峰会同意欧元区救助基金可以直接注入银行,但前提是有赖于统一监管能够执行。

    And although the summit agreed that euro-zone rescue funds could be injected directly into banks , this depends on the single supervisor being in place first .

  14. 另外,一份为欧元区纾困基金拟定的说明书草案含有针对投资者的警告,称欧元可能解体,或者完全失去“法定货币”的地位。

    Separately , a draft prospectus prepared for the eurozone bail-out fund includes investor warnings that the euro could break apart or cease to be a " lawful currency " entirely .

  15. 周二,欧洲各财政部长不承诺增加欧盟用于保护欧元的应急基金,这使紧张的局势变得更严峻。

    The strains grew Tuesday , when European finance ministers made no pledge to increase the emergency fund that the European Union has put in place to help protect the euro .

  16. 基金经理们表示,甚至迄今一直参与此类债券交易的欧元区养老基金和保险公司,近来也因为不确定性而离场观望。

    Even eurozone pension funds and insurance groups , which have until now traded these bonds , have stuck to the sidelines recently because of the uncertainty , say fund managers .

  17. 金融市场早就认为,为防止希腊危机波及意大利和西班牙等较为健康、但仍然脆弱的经济体,扩大欧元区纾困基金规模乃必要之举。

    Financial markets have long seen boosting the size of the eurozone rescue fund as necessary in order to prevent the Greek crisis from spreading to healthier but still vulnerable economies like Italy and Spain .

  18. 西班牙已为国内17个省区政府设立了总计180亿欧元的救助基金,不到西班牙银行业资本重整预计所需资金600亿欧元的三分之一。

    Spain has set up a bailout fund for its 17 provincial governments totaling 18 billion euros , which is less than a third of the projected 60 billion euros needed to recapitalize its banks .

  19. 欧洲稳定机制使欧元区的援助基金,能够为遇到财政困难的国家提供高达5000亿欧元(约合5600亿美元)的援助资金。

    It can provide countries in financial difficulty with up to € 500 billion ( $ 560bn ) .

  20. 据一位德国高官称,德国政府希望首先确保可进行杠杆操作的4400亿欧元欧元区纾困基金正常运转,然后才考虑新的IMF资源。

    According to a senior German official , Berlin wants to ensure that a leveraged € 440bn eurozone rescue fund is up and running before considering new IMF resources .

  21. 在政府债券市场,当2013年越来越近,中国对这些晃晃欲坠国家的支持可能日渐减少。到那时一个新的欧元区主权债务基金将能够推动欧洲政府较其他借贷者优先对一些国家进行索赔。

    In government-bond markets , China 's support for wobblier states may well dwindle as 2013 gets nearer : then a new euro-zone sovereign-debt fund will be able to promote the claims of European governments on some countries above those of other creditors .

  22. 这一计划将以一个永久性的“欧洲稳定机制”取代目前4400亿欧元的欧元区救援基金,该基金将于2013年到期。

    The plan would replace the present 440bn eurozone rescue fund , due to expire in 2013 , with a permanent " European stabilisation mechanism " .

  23. 这也是德国政府的一项关键要求,以换取一些人眼中一件更重要的工具:授权5000亿欧元的欧元区纾困基金对挣扎中的银行进行直接纾困。

    It is also a key demand by Berlin in return for what some believe is a more significant tool : giving the € 500bn eurozone rescue fund the power to bail out directly struggling banks .

  24. 据柏林和布鲁塞尔的知情人士透露,德国支持赋予规模达4400亿欧元(合5770亿美元)的欧元区救助基金新的实力和放贷能力,即便这意味着德国要增加财政担保。

    Germany is backing proposals to give new powers and lending capacity to the € 440bn ( $ 577bn ) eurozone rescue fund , even if that means increasing its financial guarantees , according to people familiar with the issue in Berlin and Brussels .

  25. 上周欧元区全部17个成员国批准对欧元区救助基金进行扩容,但此举只是努力使欧洲资本市场恢复正常所需要的第一步。

    The passage of the enlarged euro zone bailout fund last week by all17 euro zone members is just the first step required to bring any sense of normalcy back to the continental capital markets .