
  • 网络Mount of Olives;Olivet;Mount Olivet;Mount Olive;Mt. of Olives
  1. 耶稣却往橄榄山去。

    1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives .

  2. 他要与他的门徒在橄榄山上作私下的嘱咐。

    He wants to spend some private time with his disciples on the Mount of Olives .

  3. 橄榄山和风吹再会吧,再会!

    And olivet 's breezy * Goodbye , now , goodbye .

  4. 喉轮:吉萨大金字塔和埃及的西奈山,耶路撒冷的橄榄山。

    Throat chakra : Great Pyramid of Giza and Mt Sinai , Egypt ;

  5. 他们唱了诗,就出来往橄榄山去。

    When they had sung a hymn , they went out to the Mount of Olives .

  6. 橄榄山基督教会欢迎您!

    Welcome to Mount Olivet Church .

  7. 耶稣出来,照常往橄榄山去。门徒也跟随他。

    Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives , and his disciples followed him .

  8. 有一座山名叫橄榄山,离耶路撒冷不远,约有安息日可走的路程。当下门徒从那里回耶路撒冷去。

    Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet , which is from Jerusalem a sabbath day 's journey .

  9. 门徒目睹基督升天这一幕不可思议的景象之后,便由橄榄山回到耶路撒冷。

    The disciples had returned from the Mount of Olives after witnessing one of the most remarkable happenings-the ascension of Christ .

  10. 吃完了晚饭,他们唱了一首诗歌,然后他们就一起离开,到橄榄山去。

    After the special meal , they sung a hymn , and then all went out as a group into the night .

  11. 我们若走往橄榄山的方向,在克德隆后面能不能找到福音作者所提到的那块地或庄园?

    Can we localize the property or garden mentioned by the evangelists as situated beyond Kidron in the direction of the Mount of Olives ?

  12. 将近伯法其和伯大尼,在一座山名叫橄榄山那里,就打发两个门徒,说

    29As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives , he sent two of his disciples , saying to them

  13. 橄榄山位于圣殿的东部,横跨汲沦谷,从那个角度看圣殿有着惊人之美。

    The Mount of Olives was located across the Kidron Valley to the east , from which one had a breath-taking view of the temple .

  14. 现在海淀堂负责探访、档案、卫生、橄榄山祷告会、主日晨祷,海淀东区家庭聚会点。

    He serves the church work of visits , archives , sanitation , prayer meeting , Sunday morning prayer and the fellowships of East Haidian District .

  15. 我们已经知道了,第四世纪传统上指出背叛的地方座落于联系耶路撒冷到橄榄山的左侧通道。

    As we have seen , the4th century tradition localized the place of the betrayal to the left of the pathway which linked the city of Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives .

  16. 耶稣每日在殿里教训人,每夜出城在一座山,名叫橄榄山住宿。

    And in the day time he was teaching in the temple ; and at night he went out , and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives .

  17. 耶稣在橄榄山上坐着,门徒暗暗地来说,请告诉我们,什么时候有这些事?你降临和世界的末了,有什么预兆呢?

    And while he was seated on the mountain of olives , the disciples came to him privately , saying , make clear to us , when will these things be ? And what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world ?

  18. 中国大别山双子叶植物化石木材(Ⅱ)&橄榄科,山茱萸科

    Fossil dicotyledonous woods from the Dabie Mountains of china (ⅱ) - burseraceae & Cornaceae