
hénɡ xiànɡ jiā sù dù
  • lateral acceleration
  1. 本文先建立了高性能BTT导弹控制系统和两个横向加速度指令数学模型。

    This paper first derives a mathematical model of a bank-to-turn missile control system with two lateral acceleration commands .

  2. 根据Matlab仿真结果,在大量程微加速度计典型结构参数下,惯性敏感单元可承受的最大横向加速度达2000g以上,远远满足实际需求。

    According to the simulation results by Matlab tools , the maximum allowable lateral acceleration to inertial sensitive unit is larger than 2 000g in the typical structural parameters of micro-accelerometer with large measurement range , which meets the requirements by a large margin .

  3. 摆式列车横向加速度传感器的故障诊断与优选方法

    Fault Diagnosis and Choice of Transverse Accelerometers Installed in Tilt Train

  4. 摆式车体横向加速度测量系统误差分析

    Analysis of Errors in Lateral Acceleration Measuring System of Tilt Carbody

  5. 横向加速度对道路线形舒适性影响的评价分析

    Evaluation Analysis on Road Alignment Comfort Influenced by Lateral Acceleration

  6. 横向加速度变化率在公路设计中控制和评价

    The Lateral Change of Acceleration in Evaluation and Control of Highway Design

  7. 道路线形舒适性中横向加速度变化率模型分析

    Model Analysis on Change Rate of Horizontal Acceleration in Line Shape Comfortableness of Road

  8. 基于线性自适应神经网络的摆式列车横向加速度预测研究

    Study on prediction of lateral acceleration of tilting train based on linear adaptive neural networks

  9. 利用预测横向加速度进行摆式客车的预测控制研究。

    The predictive control of titling passenger car is studied with the predictive lateral acceleration .

  10. 基于线性回归模型预测机车车辆横向加速度

    Prediction of Lateral Acceleration of Locomotives and Rolling Stock on the Basis of Linear Regression Model

  11. 机车车辆在线路上运行时的横向加速度是一混沌时间序列。

    The lateral acceleration of locomotives and rolling stock running on track is a chaos time alignment .

  12. 考虑平、纵、横三方面关系的横向加速度变化率

    Lateral change of acceleration according to the relationship of the horizontal , vertical and lateral geometry of highway

  13. 如果测量结果超出任一下列条件,则应当记录横向加速度并采取补救行动。

    Lateral accelerations shall be recorded and remedial action taken if the measurements exceed either of the following conditions .

  14. 规模的制动力的轨道内跌幅,不过,由于横向加速度增加。

    The magnitude of the braking force of the inside track decreases , however , as the lateral acceleration increases .

  15. 传感器可检测车身倾斜度、纵向和横向加速度以及路面接触的变化情况。

    Sensors detect changes in tilt of the body , longitudinal and transverse acceleration , as well as road surface contact .

  16. 以导弹的横向加速度为输出,建立了姿态系统数学模型,并对模型进行了分析和简化。

    Choosing the lateral accelerations of the missile as the output , the mathematical models of the attitude control system are constructed , analyzed and simplified .

  17. 该系统采用二套由交流伺服电机驱动的电动缸为驱动装置,通过仰俯、侧倾两个自由度的运动实现了车辆纵向、横向加速度及车身姿态的体感仿真。

    The system achieve the simulation of the vehicle longitudinal , lateral acceleration and the vehicle pose by pitch , roll two degrees of freedom of movement .

  18. 列车横向加速度具有较低频率特性,是受到列车运行速度影响而变化的非平稳信号。

    Since a train s transverse acceleration signal is not only characterized by the low frequency but also affected by the train speed , they are nonstationary signals .

  19. 本文首先从汽车在曲线上行驶的受力情况出发,推导出汽车在曲线上行驶时的横向加速度模型,提出了关于舒适性的加速度值范围;

    Based on the mechanical condition of the car traveling on curve , a lateral acceleration model is deduced , and a acceleration range about comfortableness is suggested ;

  20. 在分析影响舒适性的诸多因素的基础上,提出用横向加速度和轴向行驶加速度来评价公路线形平面舒适性。

    After analyzing those factors that affect comfortableness , a new method was brought forward to evaluate the comfortableness of highway plane alignment using lateral acceleration and axial travel acceleration .

  21. 基于行驶动力学理论,推导出考虑列车加减速行驶的车体横向加速度时变率的一般计算公式。

    Based on the vehicle movement dynamics , the motions with positive or negative acceleration are taken into account to deduce the equation of lateral change of the carbody acceleration .

  22. 然而,由于目标瞄准线处于运动之中,所以导弹必须具有连续的横向加速度才能保持正确的航向。

    However , since the " line of sight " to the target is in motion , the missiles must develop a continuous lateral acceleration to stay on the beam .

  23. 汽车传感器的监测值,如身体,车轮和横向加速度,并为每个车轮在持续的基础上用它们来产生理想的阻尼力。

    Vehicle sensors monitor values such as body , wheel , and lateral acceleration , and use them to generate the ideal damping forces for each individual wheel on a continuous basis .

  24. 叶片前缘喷气对大转角涡轮平面叶栅气动性能的影响横向加速度对飞行发动机绝热层烧蚀影响的实验研究

    Influence of cooling-air injection from leading edge on the aerodynamic performance of rectangular turbine cascade with large turning angle An Experimental Study of Cooling Film in Negatively Bowed Cascade with Large Turning Angle

  25. 仿真计算和实测结果均表明:与采用被动悬架相比,铁道车辆采用开关半主动悬架系统时车体横向加速度和横向速度值均有下降,横向平稳性能得到改善。

    The simulation and test results show that contrast to passive suspension , the accelerations and velocities are reduced when the system is installed on the vehicle . Hence the lateral stability has been improved .

  26. 车辆的横向加速度、竖向加速度、脱轨系数和轮重减轻率均随车辆行驶速度的增加而增加,且均满足我国现行规范的要求。

    The lateral acceleration , the vertical acceleration , the derailment coefficient and rate of wheel load reduction increase with the increase of the running speed and all meet the requirements of the current national criteria .

  27. 根据铁路车辆及上海轨道交通3号线上实测车辆横向加速度值,建议横向摇摆力取轴重的10%。

    Based on the analysis of the lateral acceleration data of vehicles measured in Shanghai Metro Line 3 , this paper suggests that the lateral oscillation force of the vehicles shall choose 10 % of the vertical load on a single wheel .

  28. 均一环境风场中,台风移动受基本气流的平流、β效应和指向引导气流左侧的横向加速度的作用,其中基本气流的引导作用是主要的。

    Under the condition of uni - form environmental winds , the typhoon movement is subject to the advection of the basic flow . β effects and transverse acceleration to the left of the steering flow , which is the dominant force .

  29. 对于横向加速度,在前4种速度作用下,幅值变化比较平稳,当速度是2000m/s时,幅值有小幅波动,约为200m/s时幅值的2~3倍;

    For transverse acceleration , under the function of the first four velocity , the maximal value is decreasing smoothly , as velocity is equal to 2000m / s , it increases for little range , which as twice to three times as velocity is equal to 200m / s ;

  30. 铁路桥梁横向振动加速度测试与分析中的技术问题

    Technical Issues Involved in Measurement and Analysis of Lateral Vibration Acceleration of Railway Bridges