
  • 网络TBIR;Search Methods;search;Retrieval Methods
  1. SCI及其网络版的检索方法与技巧

    Search methods and techniques of SCI network Edition

  2. 升级版SpringerLink全文电子期刊检索方法与技巧

    The Search Methods and Tips of Springer Link

  3. 基于多层向量空间模型的Web信息检索方法

    A Web Information Retrieval Method Based on Multilayer Vector Space Model

  4. Internet环境下的知识组织和检索方法

    A Method of Knowledge Organization and Searching over the Internet

  5. WEBOFSCIENCE的检索方法与技巧

    The Retrieval Methods and Skills of Web of Science

  6. Internet环境下的化学文献检索方法与技巧

    Strategies and Skills of Fast Search for Literatures of Chemistry under the Internet Conditions

  7. 基于移动Agent技术的医学图像检索方法

    Method of Medical Images Retrieval Based on Mobile Agent

  8. 矢量量化(Vectorquantization)是一种重要的数据编码方法,其关键是码本设计和检索方法。

    Vector quantization ( VQ ) is an important method for data compression .

  9. 专家是指在某一领域具有专业知识或技能的人员。专家搜索是帮助用户在企业网内部和Web环境下寻找专家的检索方法。

    Expert search aims to help a user to access those experts on some specific topic with specific knowledge and techniques in intranet and Web .

  10. 基于粗糙集和相似度量的CBR检索方法

    A Retrieval Method of CBR Based Rough Set and Similarity Measurement

  11. EiCompendexWeb数据库检索方法及检索效果的研究

    Study on the Retrieval Method and Performance of Ei Compendex Web

  12. EiCompendexWeb数据库及检索方法

    Ei Compendex Web Database and Retrieval Methods

  13. 该文在分析了传统关键词检索方法不足的基础上,提出基于功能的Web服务语义相似匹配,从查全率和查准率两方面对服务的检索质量进行了改进。

    Based on the analysis of the insufficiency of traditional keyword search , capacity-based semantic similarity matchmaking for Web service is proposed . It improves the precision and recall of quality of Web service searching .

  14. 面对Internet上丰富的生物医学资源,详细介绍了搜索引擎的查询技巧,然后又对医学文献数据库的检索方法和内容进行了简述。

    Facing the abundant biomedical resources on Internet , this paper introduces in detail the query skills of using the search engine , and expounds the retrieval methods and contents of the medical literature databases .

  15. 灰度共生矩阵与Sobel算子结合的图像检索方法

    An Image Retrieval Algorithm Using GLCM and Sobel Operator

  16. 重点介绍因特网上国内外著名的专利数据库的网址、内容和专利文献的免费检索方法。Internet上技术报告资源与检索方式的探讨

    Introduces the web sites and contents of patent databases well-known at home and abroad as well as the free retrieval of patent information on the Internet . Research for Free Retrieval Method of Standards Literature on Internet

  17. DB2优化器会根据存储在DB2系统目录中的情境数据和SQL格式的查询输入来生成对数据检索方法的专家意见。

    The DB2 optimizer renders expert opinions on data retrieval methods based on the situational data housed in DB2 's system catalog and a query input in SQL format .

  18. 全文电子期刊SDOS检索方法和技巧

    Retrieval Methods and Skills for Full-text Electronic Periodicals SDOS

  19. 最后本文提出了一种DCT压缩域的基于形状的图像检索方法。

    And it is invariant to rotation . Last , an algorithm of image retrieval based shape feature directly in DCT compressed domain is proposed .

  20. CrossFireGmelin/Beilstein数据库检索方法及使用技巧

    Search Methods and Skills on CrossFire Gmelin / Beilstein Database

  21. 一种基于ART-2神经网络的案例检索方法

    A Kind of CBR Retrieval Method Based on ART-2 Neural Networks

  22. 简要介绍了Web农业古汉语电子词典项目缘起和设计方案,包括数据库设计、Web界面设计、数据库检索方法设计、古汉语词汇收集和释义等。

    This paper has briefly introduced the origin and design scheme of web agricultural ancient Chinese electronic dictionary project , including database design , web interface design , database retrieval method design , collection and paraphrase of ancient Chinese vocabulary , etc.

  23. 方法使用16SRRNA序列分析和同源性检索方法,及细菌的形态学和生化反应鉴定方法。

    Methods The 16S rRNA fragment cloning , sequencing , 16S rRNA similarity searching , bacterial morphological and biochemical tests were used .

  24. 基于NMI不变特征的二值商标图像检索方法研究

    Research of Binary Trade Mark Image Retrieval Method Based on NMI Invariable Feature

  25. 掌握文献检索方法,能熟练利用CA和计算机网络查阅专业文献,熟练写作中文论文和初步进行英文专业论文写作。

    To grasp the method of literature retrieval , can use the CA and computer network to refer to special field of study literature , to grasp write the articles in Chinese and in English initial .

  26. 分析并提出基于音频流的多媒体数据检索方法和关键技术,在此基础上提出软件实现的框架:自动从Web中引出各种包含音频流的多媒体数据并为其中的音频流建立索引;

    Retrieval method and technology of the multimedia data based on audio stream are analyzed and proposed . The frame of their software realization is proposed : derive multimedia data that contain audio stream from the Web and establish index for the audio stream ;

  27. Globustoolkit是网格计算的重要软件工具包,对于Globus的资源检索方法也通过实验做了对比分析。

    Globus Toolkit is an important software toolkit for grid computing . Resources searching methods of globus is undergone a comparative analysis by experiment too .

  28. ISTP网络版的检索方法及其使用技巧

    Search Methods and Use Techniques of ISTP Network Edition

  29. 提出了COTS软构件选择的两阶段决策模型:第1阶段通过案例检索方法进行构件初选;

    A two-period decision model for COTS software component selection is presented . In the first period , the initial candidates are selected by case-based retrieval .

  30. 在分析图像颜色特征的提取方法基础上,对图像内容的表示采用了基于颜色的量化和DCD信息提取的方法,从而实现用最少信息表达主要图像特征的图像检索方法。

    Based on the extraction of color features for an image , the image content representation is based on Color Quantity and the extraction method of DCD information .