
  1. 从今年7月份开始,科贝尔新成立的公司PracticeLLC将为MBA新生提供五个方面的课程,分别是:学业准备、职业发展、语言与文化适应、软件与图书馆资料检索技能,个人绩效。

    Starting in July , Mr. Kerbel 's new company , Practice LLC , will offer courses in five areas : academic preparation , career development , language and cultural orientation , software and library research skills and personal performance .

  2. 提高医学科研人员文献检索技能探讨

    How to Improve Researchers ' Skill of Document Retrieval

  3. 本文论述了创新能力与文献检索技能的关系。

    This article discusses the relationship between the creative capability and the literature retrieval ability .

  4. 南京体院学生文献检索技能的调查分析及建议

    Investigation and Suggestions on Document Retrieval Skill for Undergraduates of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education

  5. 在新的信息环境下,文献检索技能已经成为未来的科研人员必备的一项技能。

    In the new information environment , literature retrieval becomes to be a required skill to every scientific researcher in the near future .

  6. 科技信息意识和检索技能的培养,是高职高专院校文献信息检索课的特色建设核心。

    Development of consciousness of technical information and retrieval ability is focal point of characteristic building of course of document information retrieval of high vocational schools .

  7. 图书馆用户迫切需要接受教育,增强和学习数字化信息检索技能,提高有效利用信息的水平。

    Therefore , the library users urgently need education to study the skills in the retrieval of digital information , and enhance the level of utilizing information effectively .

  8. 在人类迈入信息时代的今天,掌握计算机信息检索技能,已成为各类专业人员的基本功。

    Nowadays , in this rapidly developing information epoch , mastering the retrieval skills of the information with a computer , has already been the basic ability to every professional person .

  9. 认为医学编辑应掌握医学信息检索技能,熟悉常用医学数据库的检索,利用医学信息检索提高工作效率及编校质量。

    In order to improve the efficiency and editorial quality , medical editors should know how to apply medical information retrieval in editing medical journals and acquaint medical database in common .

  10. 利用问卷调查、观察、访谈等方法对南京体院在校大学生目前掌握与运用检索技能的现状及检索教育与开设机检服务的需求情况进行了随机调查。

    By using the method of random questionaire , observation and inquiry , current situation on document retrieval skill and requirements of retrieval education and computer retrieval for undergraduates of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education have been investigated and analyzed by the author .

  11. 浅谈创新能力与文献检索利用技能浅析人的知识、技能与能力的概念异同

    On Creative Capability and Literature Retrieval Ability Difference and Relation among Knowledge , Skill and Ability

  12. 掌握文献检索的技能,了解和掌握文献的分类及其特点,是迅速有效的查找所需信息的必要前提。

    Grasp the skill of document retrieval , understand and master the classification and features of retrieval are prerequisites to rapid and effective search for the required information .

  13. 介绍了《信息检索系列教程》的主要内容和特点,指出了其对于培养读者的检索技能、提高读者的信息素养的重大价值。

    This paper introduces the main contents and the characteristics of The Serial Course of Information Retrieval , which is of great value for the cultivation of readers ' retrieval ability and the improvement of their quality in gathering information .

  14. 作为档案学研究中一门重要的分支学科,档案检索学科在档案人才培养、档案信息资源开发利用及普及档案检索知识、技能等方面有着不可替代的作用。

    As an important branch of discipline in the archives study research , the archives retrieval discipline has an irreplaceable function in the personnel training for archives , developing and utilizing the archives information resource and popularizing knowledge and skills of the archives retrieval .