
  • 网络Information Retrieval;Searching;CBIR;search technology
  1. 论述了基于内容的图像检索技术(CBIR)的新进展,提出了引入相关反馈机制、多种特征组合检索、图像聚类检索等三种改进其性能的方法,并通过实例论证了这些方法的有效性。

    This paper mainly discusses the development of the CBIR in the digital library and puts forward three methods to improve the performance of CBIR system and demonstrates the effectiveness of relevant feedback technique , composite retrieval and the clustering technique by example .

  2. 如何有效准确地描述图像特征是基于内容的图像检索技术的一个核心问题。

    Image feature representation is one of the key issues in CBIR .

  3. Web搜索引擎:检索技术、存在问题及改进办法

    Web Search Engine : Search Techniques ? Problem and Improving Methods

  4. Web信息检索技术中关联规则挖掘算法应用研究

    Research of an Association Rules Algorithm in Web Information Search System

  5. WEBService和信息检索技术在企业信息化中的应用

    Application of Web Service and Information Research & Reference Technology for Enterprise Informatization

  6. 基于模糊关联的交互式Web信息检索技术

    Interactive Web Information Retrieval Technology Based on Fuzzy Association Method

  7. 面向XML文档集的检索技术研究与系统实现

    A Research on Searching Technique and System Implementation for XML Document Set

  8. Internet上的图像检索技术

    Technique of image retrieval on Internet

  9. 移动Agent的出现为信息检索技术的发展提供了一个新的研究方向。

    The emergence of Mobile Agent technology for information retrieval provides a new research direction .

  10. 基于OracleText电子政务全文检索技术的应用

    Application of Full-text Retrieval Technology for E-government Based on Oracle Text

  11. 基于Cover级别的中文信息检索技术的研究

    The Research to Cover Based Chinese Information Retrieval Technology

  12. XML文本文档检索技术研究

    Research on Rich - text XML Document Retrieval

  13. 三种检索技术在提取形状特征之前,需要对3D模型进行预处理。

    Before extracting feature from 3D model , we need to do some pro-processing .

  14. Web文本挖掘作为一种有效的信息检索技术,在近几年倍受研究者的关注。

    As a kind of effective information retrieval technique , Web text mining receives much concern of researchers in recent years .

  15. 面向XML文档的概念检索技术

    Concept Retrieval for XML Document

  16. 基于GM(1,1)模型的压缩域图像表示与检索技术

    GM ( 1,1 ) - based Approach to Image Representation and Retrieval

  17. 基于Oracle的文献资料库全文检索技术

    Full - text search of document library based on Oracle

  18. 基于此,本文针对XML文档数据管理技术及面向Web的分类检索技术做了深入细致的研究。

    For this reason , this article does an in-depth and meticulous research for XML data management techniques and classification of Web search technology .

  19. 一种基于PCA的图像表示与检索技术

    A PCA-based approach to image representation and retrieval

  20. 但是,也正是由于海量信息所造成的信息过载,刺激了对高效的Web信息检索技术的需求。

    The aspirations of information sharing have become true . However , the information overloaded caused by the vast amounts of information stimulates efficient Web information retrieval technology .

  21. LDAP目录中的检索技术研究

    The Research for Information Retrieval in an LDAP Directory

  22. ORACLE全文检索技术的应用研究及其优化

    Oracle Text Technology Application and Optimization

  23. 一种基于DCT域的图像快速检索技术

    Image Retrieval Technique in the DCT Domain

  24. EiVillage2数据库系统及其检索技术分析

    Analysis on Ei Village 2 Database System and Its Retrieval Technique

  25. 本文在简要介绍了基于内容的检索技术(Content-basedRetrieval,CBR)的基础上,从不变特征提取。

    In this paper , content - based retrieval ( CBR ) techniques are introduced firstly ;

  26. 本文首先对现有的3D模型检索技术进行了全面的综述,介绍了这些检索技术的特征提取方法、相似度计算、数据库检索方法。

    In this thesis , a detailed survey on 3D model retrieval techniques is given firstly , witch include feature extraction , similarity calculation , and database retrieval algorithms .

  27. 本文主要针对维文网页信息,通过研究维吾尔语的特点和Web信息检索技术的思想,讨论了维文网络中不良文本信息检索、监控系统。

    The paper mainly aiming at Uighur web information , by the research of the Uighur characteristic and Web information idea , discuss the ill text information retrieval and monitoring system in Uighur web .

  28. 传统的Web信息检索技术已无法满足人们日益增长的Web信息检索和挖掘需求,而网络挖掘技术可以弥补搜索引擎的不足。

    The traditional web information searching techniques have failed to meet people 's increasing requirement of web information searching and mining , and the web mining techniques can remedy the shortage of search engine .

  29. 对等网络中基于MPEG-7的图像检索技术研究

    Research of Image Retrieval Based on MPEG - 7 in P2P

  30. 提出了基于内容的图像检索技术CBIR应用于数字图书馆中多媒体信息检索的一些方法。

    CBIR applies to digital library searching Multimedia information .