
fàn dì gāng
  • Vatican
梵蒂冈[fàn dì gāng]
  1. 总统在梵蒂冈谒见了教皇。

    The president had an audience with the Pope in the Vatican

  2. 墨西哥是个世俗国家,和梵蒂冈没有外交关系。

    Mexico is a secular state and does not have diplomatic relations with the Vatican

  3. 梵蒂冈成功地调解了1984年阿根廷与智利之间的领土争端。

    The Vatican successfully mediated in a territorial dispute between Argentina and Chile in 1984

  4. 梵蒂冈第二届会议的教令更多地求助于圣经,而不是传统。

    The decrees of Vatican Council II appealed to the Bible more than to tradition .

  5. 去年,梵蒂冈博物馆(VaticanMuseums)接待游客550万人次,打破了自己的记录。

    Last year , the Vatican Museums had a record 5.5 million visitors .

  6. 梵蒂冈一位CNN专家表示这个名字象征着人性,简单及对于天主教教会的重建。

    A CNN Vatican expert said the name symbolizes humanity , simplicity and rebuilding the catholic church .

  7. 斯托克表示,一个包括梵蒂冈代表在内的委员会负责筛选股票,这些股票是从斯托克欧洲600指数(stoxxeurope600index)成份股中挑选出来的。

    A committee , which Stoxx says includes representatives of the Vatican , screens shares , which are drawn from the Stoxx Europe 600 index .

  8. 据NPR新闻的西尔维亚·波焦利报道,弗朗西斯此次选择的枢机主教有他的老朋友,也包括一些梵蒂冈官员。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports , Francis has selected old friends and a few Vatican bureaucrats .

  9. 但是他们没有真正的对手,所以梵蒂冈队VaticanXI请求英国国教组成一只球队和他们比赛。

    But they had no real adversaries so the Vatican team known as the Vatican XI called on the Anglican Church to create an opposing team .

  10. 爱尔兰在1922年脱离英国后几乎就是梵蒂冈(Vatican)的殖民地,本质上施行神权统治。

    After Ireland broke from Britain in 1922 , it was a virtual colony to the Vatican , a theocracy in all but name .

  11. 其中一次营救行动使法瓦中尉引起了教皇方济各(PopeFrancis)的注意。上个月,法瓦中尉作为受邀前往梵蒂冈的意大利海岸警卫队代表团的一份子,见到了教皇方济各。

    One such scene brought Lt Fava to the attention of Pope Francis , whom he met this month as part of a delegation of Italian coastguards invited to the Vatican .

  12. 答:我非常渴望把梵蒂冈博物馆(VaticanMuseums)一幅七米长的地图收录进来。那幅地图被该博物馆命名为《波吉亚长城古卷》(BorgiaGreatWallScroll),可追溯至大约1695年。

    A. I was very keen to include a 7-meter-long [ 23 feet ] map that was in the Vatican Museums , listed there as the Borgia Great Wall Scroll and dating from circa 1695 .

  13. (上图为一名修女在梵蒂冈阅读教皇方济各的《赞美你》(LaudatoSi)通谕)我并非一名学习神学的学生,因此不能宣称理解天主教会科学教义的细枝末节。

    I am not a student of theology and therefore do not claim to understand the subtleties of the Catholic Church 's teaching on science .

  14. 梵蒂冈在声明中强烈支持征收金融交易税的提议即“托宾税”(tobintax)、或是更为人所熟知的“罗宾汉税”(robinhoodtax),最近它一直是人们谈论的话题。

    The Vatican statement strongly backs the proposal of a financial transaction tax a " Tobin tax " or , popularly , a " Robin Hood tax " in the form in which it has been talked about most recently .

  15. 有的家庭已经开始为地震遇难者举行私人葬礼,周五拉奎拉将为100到150名地震遇难者举行一场集体葬礼。梵蒂冈国务卿CardinalTarcisioBertone将主持这次集体葬礼,由于耶稣受难日通常不举办葬礼,这次葬礼需要进行特别的安排。

    Some families have already started holding private funeral services for the victims of the quake . A mass funeral for between 100 and 150 of those who were killed will be held Friday in l'Aquila .

  16. 希腊ERT国家电视台报道说,教皇弗朗西斯提出带10个难民随他回意大利.梵蒂冈发言人隆巴蒂说,他无法予以置评.

    Greece 's ERT state television reported thatPope Francis had offered to take 10 refugees back to Italy with him . Vaticanspokesman Rev Federico Lombardi said he could not comment .

  17. 《聚焦》制片迈克尔·舒格(MichaelSugar)说,希望该片获奖可以“引起梵蒂冈的反应”。他又补充,“方济各教皇(PopeFrancis),现在是时候保护孩子们了。”

    Michael Sugar , a " Spotlight " producer , said he hoped the win would " resonate all the way to the Vatican . " He added , " Pope Francis , it 's time to protect the children . "

  18. Schoenborn主教表示,梵蒂冈认为调查会产生恶劣的社会影响。

    Cardinal Schoenborn said the Vatican argued that investigation will generate bad publicity .

  19. 据NPR新闻的西尔维亚·波焦利报道,委员会希望能确定,2002年经罗马教廷批准后,梵蒂冈记录的儿童保护文件是否与联合国反虐待委员会的相一致。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports the committee wants to determine whether the Vatican record on child protection well links to UN Convention against Torture ratified by The Holy See in 2002 .

  20. 今年复活节,我们一家开展了一次朝圣之旅,但我们并没有去卢尔德(Lourdes)、梵蒂冈或者其他基督教圣地。

    This Easter , my family has been on a pilgrimage . Not to Lourdes , the Vatican or any other beacon of the Christian faith .

  21. CIAWorldFactbook列出了22个没有常规军的国家。如果你不把梵蒂冈城的仪式性的瑞士近卫队作为军队的话,那就是23国没有常规军(对不起啊,瑞士近卫队)。

    The CIA World Factbook lists 22 independent countries that don 't have regular military forces - 23 if youdecide not to count Vatican City 's largely ceremonial Swiss Guard as amilitary . Here they are ( sorry , Swiss Guard ) :

  22. 卢浮宫、乌菲齐博物馆、梵蒂冈博物馆、阿姆斯特丹国立博物馆(Rijksmuseum)和马德里的普拉多博物馆(Prado)都销售限时门票,让游客可以免于排队。

    The Louvre , Uffizi , Vatican , Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and Prado in Madrid all offer timed tickets for sale , allowing visitors to avoid lines .

  23. 梵蒂冈计划于周四发布这则通谕,但意大利杂志L’Espresso周一发布了一份192页的初稿文本。通谕是天主教会最高形式的教廷文书。

    The Vatican was due to publish the document - which counts as the highest form of papal teaching in the Catholic Church - on Thursday , but Italian magazine L'Espresso released a 192-page version on Monday .

  24. 他的发言人FedericoLombrdi神父,也负责梵蒂冈的广播和电视服务,和他前任不同,他能直接觐见教皇。

    His spokesman , Father Federico Lombardi , also has responsibility for the Vatican 's radio and television services & and , unlike his predecessor in the office , does not have direct access to the pope .

  25. 梵蒂冈正在西斯廷教堂(SistineChapel)安装一个新的气候控制系统,以帮助化解游客带来的湿度,保护米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)的壁画。该教堂开放期间每时每刻都挤满了2000名游客,最近每天的游客达22000名。

    The Vatican is installing a new climate-control system in the Sistine Chapel to help spare Michelangelo 's frescoes the humidity generated by the 2000 people who fill the space at any given time , recently as many as 22000 a day .

  26. 莫雷蒂具有敏锐的直觉,他的电影《教皇诞生》(habemuspapam)透过梵蒂冈的华丽面纱看到了教皇作为普通人的脆弱一面这一点常常被人忽略。

    Mr Moretti has excellent instincts : his film , habemus papam , saw through the pageantry of the Vatican to the often forgotten human fragility of the Pope .

  27. 戈蒂-特德斯奇表示,此案源于梵蒂冈银行和意大利银行creditoartigiano之间就一笔资金转移产生的“误会”。

    Mr gotti-tedeschi has said that the case arose from a " misunderstanding " between the Vatican bank and credito artigiano , an Italian bank , over a money transfer .

  28. 随着一缕白烟于1978年10月16日在梵蒂冈升起,波兰红衣主教——卡罗尔•约瑟夫•沃伊蒂瓦(KarolJozefWojtyla)——成为400多年来第一位非意大利教皇。

    With a puff of white smoke at the Vatican on Oct. 16 , 1978 , a Polish cardinal ─ Karol Jozef Wojtyla ─ was chosen as the first non-Italian pope in more than 400 years .

  29. 凯蒂在她的Instagram故事里写道,“祝每个人周六愉快,我在罗马城梵蒂冈,沉思道。我和我的妈妈,我亲爱的(奥兰多),我的经纪人史蒂夫一起。今天很开心,我也很激动!”

    In her Instagram stories , she said : ' Happy Saturday everyone , I 'm here in Rome at the Vatican , to speak on meditation . I 'm with my momma , my darling [ Orlando ] , and my manager , Steve ! It 's a great day ! I am so excited ! '

  30. 梵蒂冈罗马教廷已经敦促信徒们抵制这部电影。

    The Vatican has urged the faithful to boycott the film .