
  • 网络Frame beam;wkl;JKL
  1. 超长R·C·框架梁板结构温度及收缩钢筋计算

    Calculating of temperature and shrinkage reinforcements of overlong reinforced concrete beam-slab structures

  2. 高性能复合砂浆钢筋网在某RC框架梁加固中的应用

    Application of High Performance Ferrocement Mortar in Strengthening a RC Frame Beam

  3. 文章对抗震设防区的钢筋混凝土框架梁设计中梁端x与设计问题进行了探讨。

    The paper probes into the beam-end x and its design for frame beam made from armoured concrete in seismic fortified area .

  4. 东大花园A1楼无粘接预应力框架梁施工

    Construction of non-bonded prestressing frame beam of Dong Da Garden A1 building

  5. 逆向弯矩调幅法用于FRP补强框架梁极限抗弯承载力的探讨

    Discussion of Reverse Bending Moment Adjust Method in FRP Reinforcing Ultimate Bearing Bending Moment of Frame Beams

  6. 为增强设计研究的的实用性,笔者还用VB编程语言完成了钢框架梁抗火设计实用程序。

    In order to enhance the practicability of the research of design the author also designed a practically program in VB based on the ANSYS .

  7. 采用无粘结预应力后张法施工工艺,完成了24m跨框架梁施工。

    Using Non-binding Prestressed And Post-tensioned Method Was Successfully Completed 24m Concrete Frame Girder .

  8. 21m跨弧形预应力砼框架梁设计

    Design of 21m Span Curving Prestressed Concrete Frame Beam

  9. 回顾了前人对刚性钢框架梁柱连接的研究,特别是Northridge地震后的研究。

    Research works on steel beam to column moment connection are reviewed , especially the works after Northridge earthquake .

  10. 用FEM计算了框架梁在预应力载荷作用下的混凝土应力,其间在单元划分、载荷施加及支座约束处理上有成功的改进。

    FEM is used to calculating the concrete stress of the frame beam under prestress load , in the process of which , many successful improvements have been made in the element division , load application and the treatment of the support restraint .

  11. RS-JYC桩基静载荷测试分析系统在钢筋混凝土框架梁加固中的应用

    Application of Strengthening RC-frame-beam by RS-JYC Static Load Testing & Analysis System of Pile Foundation

  12. 钢筋混凝土(RC)框架梁与剪力墙平面外连接节点是框架―核芯筒结构的重要连接节点,国内外对其缺乏研究,本文通过试验和非线性有限元分析研究其抗震性能。

    Reinforced concrete non-planar beam-shear wall joint is an important connection form in frame-tube structures , but it is still lack of study . Seismic performance of this kind of joint is studied in this thesis through experiments as well as nonlinear finite element analysis .

  13. 研究结果表明,预应力度PPR和箍筋间距设计合理的预应力混凝土框架梁,具有与普通钢筋混凝土框架梁相近的抗震性能,可以在中等烈度地震区工程建设中采用。

    The research shows that the seismic behavior of the prestressed concrete beam of the appropriate spacing of stirrups and the degree of prestress is closed to that of the common reinforced concrete beams and it can be applied in the seismic area of middling intensity .

  14. 通过某钢筋混凝土框架梁加固工程实例,详细介绍了RS-JYC桩基静载荷测试分析系统在加固施工中的特点及施工方法。

    Through an engineering practice of strengthening RC-frame-beam , characteristic and construct of case history of strengthening construct by RS-JYC Static Load Testing & Analysis System of Pile Foundation is introduced in this paper . It can provide reference for engineers .

  15. 钢框架梁柱连接研究

    Research on Beam - to - Column Connections of Steel Frame

  16. 高层后张预应力框架梁施工技术控制

    The Prestressed Construction Technology Control of Frame Girder in High-rise Building

  17. 钢框架梁柱节点受力性能的非线性分析

    Research on stressing properties of steel beam-column connections by nonlinear analysis

  18. 多跨连续双向体外预应力框架梁加固实例

    A Strengthening Case of Multi-Span Continuous Double-Way Externally Prestressed Frame Beam

  19. 钢框架梁柱节点连接方式的介绍与分析

    Analysis on the Connection Form for Beam-column Joints of Steel Frame

  20. 一种改进的抗震框架梁配筋设计方法

    An improved design method for flexural reinforcement of anti-seismic frame beams

  21. 钢框架梁柱刚性连接的发展研究

    Research on the Development of Column-beam Rigid Connections of Steel Frame

  22. 无粘结预应力框架梁的计算、施工与测试

    Calculation , construction and testing for non adhesive Prestressed Frame Beams

  23. 钢框架梁柱弱轴端板连接受力性能研究

    Study on Behavior of Beam-to-Column Minor-Axis End-plate Connections in Steel Frame

  24. 钢框架梁柱节点转角测试技术现状研究

    Investigation of experimental methods used in measuring steel beam-to-column joint rotation

  25. 刚性钢框架梁柱连接的受力性能及设计准则

    Behavior of steel beam - to-column moment connection and design criteria

  26. 板与框架梁在扭矩作用下的相互影响

    The Interaction Between Reinforce Slabs and Frame Beam Under Torsional Moment

  27. 介绍了现场进行的预应力框架梁测试。

    The site test on the prestressed frame beam was introduced .

  28. 钢筋混凝土框架梁抗震构造若干问题的讨论

    Discussion on the problems of aseismatic structure for RC frame beam

  29. 碳纤维布加固框架梁端部锚固方式试验研究

    Experimental Study on Anchoring of Frame Beam Strengthened by CFRP

  30. 某套建工程预应力混凝土框架梁的设计

    Designing the prestressed concrete casting girder for an added construction