
  • 网络frame-shear wall
  1. 本文以现有的基于能量抗震设计和结构损伤控制设计思想为基础,系统研究了基于能量抗震设计方法在钢筋混凝土框架剪力墙结构(RC框剪结构)中的应用。

    The energy-based seismic design method for reinforced concrete ( RC ) frame-shear wall structures is studied based on the damage control philosophy .

  2. 考虑框架剪力墙结构与筏板-桩-土之间共同作用的影响,用ANSYS对一20层框架剪力墙结构以及筏板-桩-土建立整体空间模型;

    The cooperative effects of the tall frame-shear wall structure-piles-soil system are considered , and a3D model of a20-floor structure is established by using the software ANSYS .

  3. 框架剪力墙结构地震反应push-over分析

    Push-over analysis of earthquake response for frame-shear structure

  4. 利用TI-59计算器分析地震力作用下的框架剪力墙结构

    Analysis of Frame-Shear Wall Structure under Earthquake Forces by TI-59

  5. 国家会议中心总建筑面积27万m2,是奥运工程中单体面积最大的场馆工程。地下两层,地上8层,框架剪力墙结构、钢结构。

    With total floor area of 270,000 m2,2 floor of basement and 8 storey above ground , frame-shear wall structure and steel structure , it is an Olympic Games project that has the largest single building area .

  6. 从SPD板的特点出发,结合工程实例,分析SPD板作为承重楼板在框架剪力墙结构工程中的应用情况及施工中应注意的技术问题。

    On the basis of the characters of SPD slab , and its engineering cases , the paper analyzes the application of the SPD slab as bearing floor slab in the frame-shear wall structure and the details that should be paid attention to , in construction .

  7. 框架剪力墙的内力分析&三转角方程法

    Analysis of Frame Shear Wall Structures by Equations of Three Rotations

  8. 框架剪力墙结构设计中两个技术性问题的探讨

    Two Discussions of technicality on the design of frame-shear wall structure

  9. 框架剪力墙结构变形计算方法探析

    Research of the Calculation Method of Frame Shear wall 's Stress

  10. 大型框架剪力墙结构清水砼施工技术的应用

    Plain Cement Construction Technique On Shear Wall Structure With Large-scale Framework

  11. 异形柱框架剪力墙结构在高层住宅中的应用

    Application of Shape Column Wall - Frame Structure in Tall Resident Building

  12. 框架剪力墙结构抗震分析的连续化方法

    The Succession Method of Shock-resistance Analysis of the Structure of Frame Shear-wall

  13. 轻型木结构房屋在我国尚处于发展阶段,木框架剪力墙试验的目的是为我国轻型木结构房屋的推广和规范的修订提供理论和试验依据。

    Light wood-frame structures are currently being developed in China .

  14. 异形柱框架剪力墙结构体系有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Special-shaped Columns Framework Wall Structure System

  15. 有翼缘和竖向荷载的带洞口木框架剪力墙的试验研究

    Performance of perforated wood-frame shear walls with transverse walls and vertical load

  16. 框架剪力墙结构体系和薄壁异型柱结构体系在多高层建筑结构中得到了广泛的应用。

    Frame and shear wall structures are very popular in multi-story buildings .

  17. 框架剪力墙结构协同工作的渐近解法

    An iteration method for cooperation of frame and shear wall

  18. 框架剪力墙结构工程主体施工技术研究

    The Construction Technology and Research on Engineering Main Body of Frame-Shear Wall Structures

  19. 框架剪力墙混凝土结构的冬季施工

    Winter Construction of Concrete Structure of Frame Shearing Walls

  20. 某办公楼装配式框架剪力墙结构加固施工

    Strengthening Construction Technology for Prefabricated Frame Shear Wall Structure on Some Office Building

  21. 高层框架剪力墙结构的层间隔震分析

    Interlayer seismic isolation analysis of shear - frame structure

  22. 框架剪力墙结构转换层施工中构造问题的探讨

    Discussion of Construction of the Transform Story Frame and Shear Wall Structure Conformation

  23. 框架剪力墙-钢管砼板柱结构地震响应分析

    Analysis of Seismic Response for Frame-Shear Wall and Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Slab-Column Structure

  24. 框架剪力墙结构楼板裂缝分析

    Analysis of the Crack in the Frame-shearwall Structure Floor

  25. 框架剪力墙计算中的剪力调整

    Shear Regulation in Calculation of Framed Shear Wall

  26. 框架剪力墙结构简便计算法

    A Simple Method for Frame-sheared Wall Structure Calculation

  27. 面板钉连接是轻型木框架剪力墙受力性能的主要影响因素。

    The sheathing-to-framing joints are the primary influencing factors of the light wood-framed shear walls .

  28. 非抗震设计的异形柱框架剪力墙结构节点承载力计算

    Load Bearing Capacity of Beam-column Joint in Frame-shearwall Structures with Special Shaped Columns for Non-seismic Design

  29. 详细的分析了RC&框架剪力墙结构的本构关系,失效模式及其破坏的机理。

    Detailly analysis of the RC frame-shear wall structure-the constitutive relation , failure mode and failure mechanism .

  30. 针对这种情况,提出了框架剪力墙-钢管砼板柱结构。

    To address this situation , put forward a frame-shear wall and concrete-filled steel tubular slab-column structure .