
  • 网络case system
  1. 现代汉语格系统的层级分类

    On Case System of Modern Chinese

  2. 通过对Toda格位势实施标准扰动,得到了一族新的离散可积系统:扰动Toda格系统。

    Through standard perturbation of potentials for the Toda lattice hierarchy , the new integrable systems are obtained .

  3. 耦合的Lorenz方程格点系统解的渐近同步性

    Asymptotic Synchronization in Lattices of Coupled Non-Identical Lorenz Equations

  4. 反应扩散方程相应格点系统的吸引子和Kolmogorovε熵

    Attractors and Kolmogorov 's ε - Entropy for Lattice Systems Corresponding to Reaction-diffusion Equation

  5. 具有白噪音的KGS格点系统的随机吸引子

    The Random Attractor of KGS System in Lattice with White Noise

  6. 并且证明了在Neumann边界条件和周期边界条件下,当耦合系数充分大时,此格点系统的解具有渐近同步性。

    It is proved that asymptotic synchronization occurs when coupling strengths in this system under Neumann and periodic boundary conditions are sufficiently large .

  7. 该文研究了一个高维耦合非恒等的Lorenz格点系统,得到了在Dirichlet边界条件下,此格点系统解的全局稳定性的一个充分条件;

    In this paper high-dimensional coupled non-identical Lorenz equations are studied . A sufficient condition for global stability of the solution to this coupled system under the Dirichlet condition is obtained .

  8. 在本文中,通过关联BCK-代数与立体格公理系统的联系,给出了M-R公开问题一个肯定的答复。

    In this paper , by the contact has between BCK-algebra and axiom system of cubic lattices . The M-R open problem on infinite cubic lattices is answered in the affirmative .

  9. 本论文主要是对一维无限量子格点系统&横向场中的三态Potts模型,应用无限矩阵乘积态算法计算基态单点保真度。

    In this paper , we will investigate that the ground-state fidelity per lattice site is computed for the quantum three-state Potts model in a transverse magnetic field on an infinite-size lattice in one spatial dimension in terms of the infinite matrix product state algorithm .

  10. 基于改进的图形旋转系统的高亏格造型系统

    A High Genus Modeling System Based on Improved Graph Rotation System

  11. 线性相连的三维格点系统可靠度的界

    Bounds for Reliability of Linearly Connected 3-Dimensional Lattice Systems

  12. 关于BCK-代数与立体格公理系统

    On BCK algebra and axiom system of the lattice of faces of cube

  13. 一类时滞格动力系统的整体吸引子

    Global Attractor of Lattice Dynamical Systems with Delays

  14. 随机波动方程的随机吸引子和两类格点系统的全局吸引子

    Random Attractors for Stochastic Wave Equations and Global Attractors for Two Kinds of Lattice Systems

  15. 本文将不同格值系统的重力仪的观测结果进行惯性改正后,归算到我国自己的系统。

    The observation results have been reduced to the Chinese gravity system after the inertia correction .

  16. 格点系统与非线性波动方程是两类很重要的无穷维系统。

    Lattice systems and nonlinear wave equations are two kinds of very important infinite dimensional dynamical systems .

  17. 格点系统和带变号位势的二阶微分方程是两类重要的微分方程模型。

    Lattices and second order equations with indefinite weight are two important models of dynamical systems and differential equations .

  18. 首先介绍了动力系统中受关注的几个问题:反应扩散方程,格动力系统,行波解和时滞动力系统,并简要介绍了前人相关的工作。

    The main issues are : reaction-diffusion equations , . lattice dynamical systems , traveling wavefronts and delayed dynamical systems .

  19. 无穷维动力系统在非线性科学中占有极为重要的地位.格点系统是一类很重要的无穷维系统。

    Infinite dimensional dynamical systems play an very important role in nonlinear science . Lattice systems are a kind of very important infinite dimensional dynamical systems .

  20. 如何判明和消除重力仪格值系统误差对重力复测的影响是长期以来未能得到有效解决的问题。

    How to distinguish the systematic error of gravimeter calibration and eliminate its influence upon the results of gravity reiteration is a problem which has not been solved for a long time .

  21. 根据感知器神经元的分类特点,采用三层前向稳健感知器神经网络实现了三值格代数系统中的基本运算,从而也实现了任意三值逻辑函数。

    Also , basic operations on ternary logic in post algebra are realized using three-layer feed-forward robust neural networks based on its classification property , accordingly arbitrary ternary logical functions can be realized .

  22. 从栽培技术、格架系统建立、剪枝、整枝、收获以及采后分级与运输等方面,简要介绍了美国的葡萄生产机械化情况。

    Mechanization of grape production in America was introduced briefly . It concerned several aspects , including planting technology , trellis system mechanization , mechanical pruning , mechanical shoot positioning , mechanical harvesting , post harvest handing such as classification and transportation .

  23. 武昌固体潮基准台曾先后用国内外多台高精度重力仪进行固体潮观测,由于各仪器的格值系统不同,得出的观测结果亦存在差异。

    The gravity earth tide observation had been done successively at Wuchang station by many kinds of international and domestic high precision gravimeters and different results had been got , The difference among these meters were originated from the different calibration systems .

  24. 分析了格值逻辑系统Kp中选取公理集合和推理规则的条件;

    The condition of choosing axioms and inference rule in ^ fvp was analyzed .

  25. 第三部分:讨论了模糊逻辑系统L~和Godel中根的理论,以及剩余格值逻辑系统RL中广义MP与多重广义MP的语构理论。

    The third and the fourth part of this paper is studying the root theory of fuzzy logic and the formalization theory of fuzzy reasoning from the syntactic view .

  26. 特别值得注意的是,将CNN中的有限个状态变量推广到无穷多个状态变量后,则得到一个无穷维的格点动力系统,其动力学行为变得非常复杂。

    We should specially pay attention to the infinite-dimensions lattices dynamic system that we obtained when finite state quantities are changed to infinite in CNN and the dynamic behavior of the lattices dynamic system will be very complexity .

  27. 蒙太格的PTQ系统通过三部分最终完成了对自然语言形式化的处理,它们分别是:建构一个部分英语语句系统的语形;

    Montague 's PTQ system eventually completes the work of formalizing natural language through three parts , namely building a syntax about part of English statement system ;

  28. 韶关冶炼厂条格筛除尘系统的改造

    Renovation of fixed riddle type dust control system in shaoguan smelter

  29. 现代汉语格的层级系统及其分类描写

    On Case Level System and Its Classify Describes in Modern Chinese

  30. 格值逻辑系统为智能信息处理提供了一种逻辑基础。

    Lattice-valued logic system supplys a logic foundation for intelligent information processing .