
  • 网络decommissioning;decommission of nuclear facilities
  1. 因此对退役场址土壤中容许剩余放射性水平(ARCL)的确定是核设施退役中最受关注的一个问题。

    Determining allowable residual radioactivity levels ( ARCL ) insoil is one of commonly concerned problems for decommissioning nuclear site .

  2. 为向特定场址的污染土壤清污补救行动推荐相关的管理限值,探讨了核设施退役时放射性污染土壤中允许残留污染水平(ARCL)的估算方法。

    The aim of present work is to discuss the estimation method of allowable residual contamination levels ( ARCL ) in radioactivity-contaminated soil near by the nuclear facilities under decommissioning or to be decommissioned .

  3. 核设施退役淋巴细胞内含较多的线粒体、游离核糖体及少量RER,核膜双层,有明显的核膜孔;

    The lymphocyte with rich mitochondria , free ribosomes and RER in the cytoplast had double membrane and obvious nuclear pores .

  4. 本文采用RC电路和μA741集成运算放大器组成定时器,与瞬发电雷管配合使用构成定时起爆器,其性能可靠、价格低廉、定时准确、延时可调,可用于核设施退役爆炸切割器起爆。

    This paper presents a new kind of dependable , cheap , accurate , delay-adjustable detonation timer which consists of RC circuit and μ A741 integrated circuit and electric detonator . It can be used to detonate in special conditions , e. g.

  5. 核设施退役过程中减少职业性辐照剂量的途径

    Basic ways for Reducing Professional Radiation during Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities

  6. 核设施退役放射性废物处理中值得重视的几个问题

    Noticeable problems concerning radioactive waste treatment of decommissioning nuclear installations

  7. 慢性照射的防护原则及其在核设施退役中的应用

    Protection principles of chronic exposures and application to decommission of nuclear facilities

  8. 源项调查是核设施退役的一个重要环节。

    The source term investigation is one of the important processes during decommissioning .

  9. 核设施退役爆炸切割中定时起爆器的研制

    A New Kind of Detonation Timer for Explosion Cutting of Retired Nuclear Installations

  10. 核设施退役过程中辐射测量的一般问题

    Some issues of radiation measurement in the process of decommissioning of nuclear facilities

  11. 核设施退役中的物理去污新技术简介

    Brief Talk on New Physical Technology of Removing Pollution from Decommissioned Nuclear Installation

  12. 放射性废物管理和核设施退役中几个问题的讨论

    Discussion of several issues in radioactive waste management and decommissioning of nuclear facilities

  13. 1987年核设施退役国际专题讨论会简介

    Introduction to " 1987 international decommissioning symposium "

  14. 核设施退役中几个值得重视的问题

    Some noticeable issues of decommissioning of nuclear facilities

  15. 核设施退役的政策与系统分析

    Policy and Systems Analysis for Nuclear Installation Decommissioning

  16. 环形爆炸切割器的研制及其在核设施退役中的运用

    Development of Ringed - Blast - Cutter and Its Application in Decommission of Nuclear Installation

  17. 国营二二一厂核设施退役实践

    Nuclear Facility Decommissioning practice for plant-221

  18. 对污染土壤的处置,是核设施退役过程中最重要的补救措施之一;土壤中的剩余放射性又构成了退役后对公众产生直接和经常照射的主要源项。

    Residual radioactivity in soil is the main source of exposure to the public after decommissioning of nuclear site .

  19. 在核设施退役过程中,对放射性污染土壤的去污是一个重要环节。

    During the decommissioning of nuclear facilities , it is an important step to decontaminate the soil contaminated by radioactive nuclides .

  20. 简要阐述了爆炸切割技术在核设施退役中的应用前景以及进一步完善该项技术需要开展的研究工作。

    The application foreground of ringed - blast - cutter in decommissions of nuclear installation , and some researches for improving blast - cut technique in the future are also described .

  21. 核设施退役的环境安全是退役的最终目标,是制约整个退役活动的关键,已成为世界各国公众关注的问题。

    Environmental safety in decommissioning of nuclear facilities is both its final target and also a key governing decommissioning as a whole , which has become an issue that has drawn attention of the public throughout the world .

  22. 结论:对提高军用核设施退役作业人员和环境辐射安全性有重要意义。因此,针对该技术的学科建设和临床管理不仅要遵循符合常规医疗管理的通则,同时要注重辐射安全性问题。

    Conclusion : These suggestions are important in ensuring radiation safety for workers and for protecting the environment . Concerning the specific nuclear medicine faculty clinical management of this technology must pay much attention to the radiation safety as well as comply with the conventional requirements of medical management .

  23. 综述了核设施的退役和去污,尤其是详细介绍核设施的化学去污方法和应用。

    This paper reviews technology in decommission and decontamination of the nuclear facility , chemical decontamination method is introduced important .

  24. 国外核设施地下管道退役的经验教训

    Experience and Lessons of Decommissioning of Underground Piping at Foreign Nuclear Facility

  25. 核设施的运行和退役过程中会产生大量放射性的固体废物,在这些废物做最终处置前需在暂存库中预处理、整备和暂时贮存。

    In the process of decommissioning of nuclear facilities will generate a lot of solid radioactive waste . Before final disposal these wastes need to be stored in the temporary library .

  26. 随着进入退役期的核设施的增多,核设施退役工程管理的优化也越来越重要。

    With the increasing of numbers of nuclear installations entering decommissioning period , it is more and more important to optimize the management of nuclear installation decommissioning project .

  27. 放射性源项计算分析与应用研究是核设施安全分析、环境影响评价、废物管理及核设施退役等方面的基本依据和辅助。

    The calculation , analysis and the research of the radioactive source term are the basic aids and dependence for safety analysis of nuclear facilities , environment impact assessment , waste conditioning and decommissioning of nuclear facilities , etc.