
hé bào zhà
  • nuclear explosion;nuclear burst;atomic blast
核爆炸 [hé bào zhà]
  • [nuclear explosion] 指能量由核裂变或核聚变所产生的一种爆炸

核爆炸[hé bào zhà]
  1. 当地的居民说就好像发生了核爆炸一样。

    Local residents said it was as if there had been a nuclear explosion .

  2. 导弹弹头命中目标,完成了一次核爆炸。

    The missile warhead hit the target , effecting a nuclear explosion .

  3. 东哈萨克核爆炸产生的远震P波尾波中Rg散射成P波的证据

    Evidence for R_g-to-P scattering in teleseismic P coda of East Kazakh explosions

  4. 大气层外核爆炸X-射线辐射场特性研究

    Research on X ray radiation field which is from a outer space nuclear explosion

  5. 用质谱和α谱分析法测定了核爆炸烟云中的剩余钚-239量(~(239)PuR)。

    The amount of the residual plutonium-239 in the nuclear explosion debris was determined by mass-spectrometric and alpha-spectrometric analyses .

  6. 在航天器结构材料的辐射损伤计算中,需要核爆炸X射线辐射场的数学模式。

    A mathematical mode of X ray radiation field which is from a nuclear explosion is needed in the spacecraft radiation damage calculation .

  7. 用Ge(Li)γ能谱法定量分析核爆炸裂片在远区沉降物

    Quantitative analysis of distant region atmospheric deposit of debris from nuclear explosion using Ge ( Li ) γ ray spectra

  8. 但这位官员警告称,美国认为,朝鲜领导人金正日(kimjong-il)可能试图在实施另一次核爆炸之前,先制造一种长时间的危机感。

    But the official cautioned that the us believed Kim Jong-il , the North Korean leader , was likely to attempt to generate a sense of crisis over time before conducting another explosion .

  9. 证实了利用核爆炸散落核素137Cs示踪累计性土壤侵蚀和沉积计年的可靠性;

    Meanwhile , 137 Cs reliability for tracing soil particle accumulation and for sediment dating was confirmed .

  10. Q值测量在实践中已大见成效。在勘探地球物理、工程地震、核爆炸监测、天然地震研究以及地球内部研究等各方面,Q值研究都给出了重要的贡献。

    The measurements of Q value has achieved remarkable success in practice , and the research on Q values has made important contributions to exploration geophysics , engineering seismology , nuclear explosion monitoring , the studies on natural earth - quakes and the earth ′ s interior .

  11. 例如在《超人》1的结尾,超人不敢相信LouisLane因核爆炸引发的地震而死去,他绕着地球飞行。

    For example at the end of superman 1 , superman whizzes around the planet earth , because he is shocked that the Louis Lane 's just died . In the great earthquake caused by nuclear explosion when Lex Lothor detonates something .

  12. 根据振动剂量值(VDV)隔震标准,采用Runge-Kutta法研究了双层线性隔震系统在核爆炸产生的两类冲击震动作用下的隔震性能。

    In the condition of two types of acceleration induced by the nuclear explosion , the isolation properties of double mass spring system are studied by the Runge Kutta method based on vibration dose value ( VDV ) criterion .

  13. 但冯诺依曼成功了;一直到1953年,他的计算机白天模拟核爆炸,晚上为尼尔斯巴里瑟里(nilsbarricelli)创建的人工生命形态的进化做模型。

    But von Neumann got his way , and by 1953 his machine was simulating nuclear explosions by day and modelling the evolution of artificial life forms , the creations of Nils barricelli , by night .

  14. 若把核爆炸当作地震来计算,发现核爆炸的τ0值平均在20MPa左右,明显地高于同震级地震的τ0值。

    If nuclear explosions are treated as earthquakes in the calculation , we find that τ 0 values of nuclear explosions have about 20 MPa , which is obviously higher than average τ 0 values of earthquakes with the same magnitude .

  15. 核爆炸条件下地冲击波传播的岩体阻尼研究

    Study on Rock Damping in Case of Nuclear Explosive Wave Propagation

  16. 核爆炸识别技术进展

    A Review on the Progress of the Nuclear Explosion Recognition Technology

  17. 磁法探测地下核爆炸初探

    On the use of magnetic anomalies to detect underground nuclear explosion

  18. 我的直觉告诉我不是一次核爆炸。

    My instincts told me it was not a nuclear explosion .

  19. 大气层核爆炸当量的智能测量研究

    A study on intelligent measurement of nuclear explosion equivalent in atmosphere

  20. 中子弹核爆炸早期核辐射剂量的研究

    Research on dose by instant nuclear radiation from neutron bomb explosion

  21. 地下核爆炸引起不稳定性岩体的探测

    Observation of the unstable rock mass under an underground nuclear explosion

  22. 和平利用核爆炸特设咨询小组;

    Ad Hoc Advisory Group on nuclear explosions for peaceful purposes ;

  23. 高空核爆炸产生的电子数密度的近似估计

    Approximate estimate density of electrons produced by nuclear explosion of the high-altitude

  24. 我国利用地下核爆炸进行地震学实验研究取得进展

    Progress in seismological study in China by use of underground nuclear tests

  25. 核爆炸信号参数化方法及其应用

    A parameterization means of nuclear explosion signal and its application

  26. 地下水位的地下核爆炸效应及其特征

    Response of groundwater level in wells to underground nuclear explosion

  27. 核爆炸电磁脉冲的自动记录和分析系统

    Automatic Record and Analysis System for Nuclear Explosive Electromagnetic Pulse

  28. 面向对象技术在核爆炸次声探测中的应用

    Application of the Object Oriented Technology to the Infrasound Detection of Nuclear

  29. 核爆炸产生的辐射还使一只小蜥蜴变异成了怪兽哥斯拉。

    The radiation of the nuclear explosion made a lizard to Sigela .

  30. 核爆炸向海洋释放了放射性粒子。

    Nuclear explosions have released radiative particles into the sea .