
  • 网络Core Customers;Key customer;Core Account
  1. 核心客户关系管理这一新概念的提出是对客户关系管理理念的进一步发展。

    A new concept of key customer relationship management develops the idea of customer relationship management .

  2. 然后根据核心客户关系管理的需要,构建了一套适合核心客户关系管理的四维客户价值评价方法;

    After defining some correlative concept , in order to satisfy the demand of key customer relationship management , a four dimension model of customer value evaluation is set up .

  3. 不过,百思买不必像IBM一样,以《财富》百强(Fortune100)公司为核心客户,而是面向中小企业和普通消费者。

    Instead of focusing on the fortune 100 as IBM does , however , best buy can serve small and medium-sized business and consumers .

  4. 2月份,其核心客户瑞安航空,欧洲最大的廉价航空公司,宣布该公司正与中国商用飞机有限公司(CommercialAircraftCorporationofChina)商谈购买200-400架新机。

    Core customer Ryanair , one of the big European discount airlines , announced in February that it was in discussions with Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China , COMAC , to acquire 200 to 400 new aircraft .

  5. 这台服务器并且服务新BOINC核心客户下载。

    This server was also serving the new BOINC core client downloads .

  6. 欧智华总是能够与汇丰核心客户群之外的群体建立良好关系。

    Mr Gulliver has always been able to relate to constituencies well beyond the core HSBC universe .

  7. 结果是,企业发现它们的内生业务的发展受到阻碍,而且银行发现它们的核心客户基础在减少。

    As a result companies see their genuine business growth hindered and banks see their core customer base shrinking .

  8. 雷瓦迪克同意这种看法,但他还指出,哈雷永远也不会忘记那些钟情于老式摩托车的核心客户。

    Levatich agreed , also noting that Harley would not be forgetting its core customers who want old-fashioned motorcycles .

  9. 如此没有骚扰,我们能够移动核心客户下载校园网。

    So without much ado , we were able to move the core client downloads off the campus net .

  10. 它们的核心客户中小型企业也受到了经济低迷的沉重打击。

    Small to medium-sized businesses , their core client base , are also being badly hit by the economic downturn .

  11. 这种新涂色受宠于许多波音的核心客户,其文化认为这些颜色是财富和好运的象征。

    The new colors honor many key Boeing customers whose cultures recognize these colors as symbols of prosperity and good luck .

  12. 如你们已有了赢利分析及客户项目执行计划,将做深做大核心客户作为工作目标是符合要旨的。

    If you have the profitability analysis and the account plan it is a reasonable objective to grow your core clients .

  13. 即把已有客户分为核心客户、主要客户和一般客户,对他们实行不同的信用管理。

    Namely , different clients are implemented differ-ent credit management by classifying them into the key clients , main clients and ordinary clients .

  14. 从客户价值角度出发,运用聚类分析法进行客户划分,根据客户群特点进行筛选分析,从而识别核心客户。

    According to the character difference among clients client value , core clients are classified into maintaining core clients and developing core clients .

  15. 对客户状态、交易行为、自然属性和其他信息进行综合分析,细分客户群,确定核心客户。

    And analyze state of client , bargaining action , naturaless attribute and other information , subdivide customer groups and fix on core client .

  16. 没有他们卓越的工作,我们就不可能与硅谷的核心客户续签合同并一直保持紧密的关系。

    Without their commitment to excellence , we would never enjoy the renewals and strong relationships we have with our core clients in Silicon Valley .

  17. 在此基础上,分析影响核心客户健康的各种因素,根据平衡计分卡理论建立了三级分层评估体系。

    Secondly , analyzed the various factors that affect the health of the core customers and established a three-tiered evaluation system based on the Balanced Scorecard .

  18. 承上启下,实施一系列市场导向、组织与战略优化、核心客户管理、流程以及人力资源优化配置等策略。

    Nexus is the implementation of a series of market-oriented , organizational and strategic optimization , core customer management processes , and optimization of human resources configuration strategy .

  19. 本文首先基于数据挖掘的思想和工作流程,通过Perl+SQL的技术实现了核心客户的自动化挖掘。

    Firstly , based on the idea of data mining and the workflow , automatic data mining of core customers by Perl and SQL technology is realized in this thesis .

  20. 分析师表示,非美金融集团市场份额的提高,一定程度上得益于西方银行收缩放贷业务,把精力集中在核心客户和区域性中心上。

    Analysts said some of the gains achieved by non-US financial groups had come as a result of western banks scaling back lending and concentrating on core clients and regional hubs .

  21. 企业越来越注重客户价值的计算、细分以及核心客户的识别,销售自动化系统、数据挖掘系统、呼叫中心等各种IT技术为企业提供了诸多支持。

    Enterprises focus on customer value calculations increasingly , and the core customer identification . They adopt many IT products like marketing automation systems , data excavation systems and call centers .

  22. 本文在此基础上提出了将客户价值和艺术价值加以平衡的艺术品营销战略理念,强调艺术市场营销应该将艺术体验作为核心客户价值。

    It proposes that art consumers should be seen as co-producers in the total art process and advocates that arts marketing should focus on the artistic experience as the core customer value .

  23. 他计划招募新的高管,向黑莓的核心客户群之一、政府部门寻求帮助,同事紧抓陷入困境的手机业务。

    He plans to bring in new executives , reach out to governments that have been a core part of the BlackBerry customer base , and hang on to the troubled handset business .

  24. 该方案适用于满足核心客户大型项目上游施工企业参与项目投标、解决项目建设初期和中期因垫款形成的资金需求。

    The program is adaptable for large-scale projects to meet key clients involved in the project construction enterprises upstream bid to resolve the early and mid-term project funding needs because of advances formed .

  25. 伴随国内钢铁和石化行业的高速发展,以其为核心客户的工业气体行业也得到了前所未有的市场拓展机遇。

    With the rapid development and expansion of Iron & Steel and Petrifaction Industries , the Industrial Gases Industry which takes both of the industries as its major customers has also acquired unpredictable opportunity in marketing expansion .

  26. 然后运用归一法和层次赋值法对指标基础数据处理过程进行设计,运用多指标综合评价法进行指标权重的计算,完成核心客户健康度评估模型的构建。

    Then , the author designed the fundamental data processing with normalization method and level evaluation method and calculated the index weight applying with multi-index comprehensive evaluation method to complete the model construction of core clients ' health assessment .

  27. 最后通过实证研究对模型的有效性进行评估,结合客户生命周期理论分析核心客户健康度偏低的原因,提出了客户保有策略。

    Finally , the validity of the model is presented through empirical research . Combined with the customer life cycle theory , the customer retention strategies are proposed by analyzing the reasons of core customers ' low health degree .

  28. 从供应链一体化的角度来对比和重新审视作为单个企业进行客户关系管理时的种种局限性,从而得出只有对整条供应链具有价值的客户才是链上各企业的核心客户这一结论。

    After comparing and reexamining the limitations of individual enterprise to execute customer relationship management from the perspective of supply chain integration , this article draws the conclusion that only the customer who benefits most to the whole chain is the real core customer .

  29. 课程的核心是客户需求。

    The lens is focused on the client need .

  30. 我们保持并增加收入的最好期望是加强并加深最核心的客户关系。

    Our best hope of protecting and growing revenues is strengthening and deepening core relationships .