
  • 网络electronic configuration;arrangement of extranuclear electrons;electron configuration
  1. 核外电子排布与近似能级图

    Arrangement of Extranuclear Electrons and Approximate Energy-level Diagrams

  2. 此外,本文还对无机化学教学中有关核外电子排布的一些问题,如能级交错、填充电子顺序与失去电子顺序不一致以及某些元素原子的电子层结构呈现例外等进行探讨。

    This paper also discusses topics which , are related to the arrangement of extranuclear electrons , such as the energy-level overlap , the disagreement between the sequences of filling of electrons and losing of electrons and the presence of exception to electron configuration for atoms of some elements .

  3. 它是在保证元素的原子序数顺序连续性之下,严格按元素的原子基态核外电子排布相同的列为一组,F族因其特性合为二个组。横行为周期,共八个周期。

    Under guarantee the continuity of atomic number order , it has been done strictly according to the same electron configurations of the gaseous atoms of the elements arrange in a group , F group of elements is divided into two coloumn because of the analogy in properties and electronic .

  4. 核外电子排布问题的探讨

    Exploration of Electron Distribution Outside a Nucleus

  5. 由于稀土具有独特的核外电子排布,在冶金、材料领域中有其独特的作用。

    Rare earth play an unique role because of the unique outside and core of electronic arranged , in metallurgy , material field .

  6. 结论金属离子的离子半径、核外电子排布、卟啉显色剂的空腔大小、流动相组成、色谱柱等都是影响配合物光谱、色谱性质的重要因素。

    [ Conclusion ] The radiuses of metal ions , arrangement of extra - nuclear electron , cavity of porphyrin , composition of mobile phase and chromatographic columns are all the important factors that affect the characteristics of spectrum and chromatogram of porphyrin .