
xiào fú
  • school uniform;school dress
校服 [xiào fú]
  • [school dress] 学校规定的统一样式的学生服装

校服[xiào fú]
  1. 帽子是校服的一部分。

    The hat is part of the school uniform .

  2. 她大概会为穿上校服而感到非常得意。

    She will probably take great pride in wearing school uniform .

  3. 为避免搞错,请在孩子所有的校服上写清楚他们的姓名。

    To avoid confusion , please write the children 's names clearly on all their school clothes .

  4. 跟许多家长一样,我对是否该穿校服也拿不定主意。

    Like many parents , I am in two minds about school uniforms

  5. 校长就新校服的想法作了说明。

    The headmaster elaborated upon the idea for a new school uniform .

  6. 帕特里克:我能看出穿校服的好处。

    Patrick : I can see the advantages of wearing school uniforms .

  7. 学生应该不穿校服上学。

    Students should start school with no uniforms .

  8. 穆尔黑德:在我看来,孩子们不必穿校服。

    Moorhead : In my opinion , kids don 't have to wear uniforms .

  9. 学生该不该穿校服?

    Should students wear school uniforms ?

  10. 然而,学校不应该过分依赖校服来改善学生的行为。

    However , a school should not depend heavily on uniforms to improve students ' behaviors .

  11. 最近,一所初中把几个学生送回家,因为他们违反了校服规定。

    Recently , a junior high school sent several students back home because they broke the school uniform rules .

  12. 肯尼迪:校服很重要,因为它总是提醒我,我应该努力学习。

    Kennedy : The school uniform is very important , because it always reminds me that I am supposed to go out of my way to study hard .

  13. 现在,B已经很久没有戴发箍或是穿校服了。

    These days , B hasn 't been spotted wearing a headband - or a schoolgirl uniform - in ages .

  14. W:我听说私立学校要穿校服。

    W : I hear you have to wear uniforms at private school .

  15. 当Edk看到他的校服的时候,他非常惊诧。

    As Ed looked at his unform , he was very surprised .

  16. 这一描述引起不少网友的共鸣,并在新浪微博(中国的Twitter社交网)上引起了讨论。“中国校服真的丑吗”这一微博话题被浏览了1.1亿次,更有67万博友留言。

    Such descriptions resonate among many netizens and many left comments on Sina Weibo , China 's Twitter-like networking site , where the hashtag note , ' Are Chinese school uniforms really ugly ' was viewed by 110 million readers and attracted more than 670000 comments .

  17. 而从颈部往下看,这位日本装扮成了日本女生的模样,因为他身着“女生校服”出现在东京各地。“Seifuku”是日本女生所穿的水手服。

    From the neck down , this Japanese man couldpass for a Japanese schoolgirl as he parades all over Tokyo dressed in " Seifuku , " thename for the sailor outfits worn by teenage girls .

  18. 学生参加校际音乐会时不必穿校服。

    Students need not wear school uniforms in the inter-school concert .

  19. 我需要一件新校服和一双新鞋。

    I need a pair of uniform and some new shoes .

  20. 所有的办公室都有制服,就像所有的学校都有校服一样。

    All offices have uniforms , just as all schools do .

  21. 小朋友下星期开始别忘了天天穿校服哦!

    Please do not forget to wear the school uniform everyday !

  22. 他穿着他的便服,不是他的校服。

    He was wearing casual clothes , not his school ones .

  23. 我什么时候说过了穿校服?

    When did I tell him to wear his school uniform ?

  24. 孩子们几乎一致投票反对穿校服。

    The children abolished school uniform by an almost unanimous vote .

  25. 在学校里要穿校服是一个惯例。

    It is customary to wear a uniform at our school .

  26. 学生们应该被允许设计校服。

    The students should be allowed to design the school uniforms .

  27. 然而,人们通过社交媒体指责了这款校服。

    However , the uniforms have been criticised on social media .

  28. 仅三年之后,估计穿校服的几乎成双倍。

    Just three years later , estimates were almost double vat .

  29. 只有在大城市里的真正大点的学校,他们才有校服。

    Only some really large schools in big cities have uniforms .

  30. 我没告诉你要穿校服么?

    Didn 't I tell you to wear your school uniform ?